[App_rpt] Alien Interfaces

Will Wright w4wwm at knology.net
Sat Dec 9 05:19:54 UTC 2006

Hello Jim,


I must say the information is good but I'm still not sure If I
understand all of it.  So, here's my crack at it's working.  The
controllers are alien to app_rpt, this I thought was real neat and did
have me chuckling a bit hi hi. 

Controller A, B or C better know as alien interfaces that should be
given a node number? If so, do I assign them just for the local system?
Or is it assign by the Allstar Linking System?  

I will then set up a stanza in rpt.conf defining the node such as:


Would I establish another stanza and node number for controller B, and C
(Alien interfaces) hi hi

How would the command mode be entered or define? Is it *40 on all
sysytem, I hope I'm not too far off on how this all work. But it look
like I will need some help. 

Thanks Jim, you really did a great job on the paper. I just need more
help to understand it. Thanks

Will / W4WWM

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