[App_rpt] New! app_rpt support for inexpensive hardware

Stephen Rodgers hwstar at rodgers.sdcoxmail.com
Sat Sep 15 05:08:40 UTC 2007

Steve Henke, W9SH, and Jim Dixon have completed the coding of a new
channel driver for asterisk named chan_usbradio.c which allows app_rpt
to work with modified USB sound fobs based on the CM108 chip. There is
an initial write up about this new hardware interface on my site at

The USB channel driver has DSP code in it for CTCSS detection and
generation, squelch, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, audio level setting,
and soft limiting. You only need to make 3 connections to a repeater.
Discriminator audio, transmit audio. and PTT. A COR input is supported,
but not required.

The hardware is really inexpensive! USB sound fobs can be bought for
$7.95 at places like geeks.com. You will need 3 resistors, a Shottky
diode, and an NPN transistor in order to complete the modification.

A schematic detailing the modifications and pictures of the USB sound
fob before and after modification are posted on at the URL above.

I am working on a set of detailed modification instructions with
pictures so that those who want to use this interface can modify
the USB sound fob themselves.

Have Fun!

Steve Rodgers, WA6ZFT

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