[App_rpt] Asterisk segfaults after installation

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Sun Jul 27 17:44:42 UTC 2008

Sorry to reply to my own post but why is there such pushback from the
"app_rpt" community from installing manually?

Everyone pushes EVB or ACID, why?

Any 3rd party ISO distro takes away from security and flexibility.  I
can tell you that EVB can be rooted VERY easily if it is not
firewalled properly or services and settings changed.

Who knows what other code is in that ISO?

So again, I pose the question, "Why are manual installs discouraged?"

Just an example, I asked this very same question months ago and got an
offlist reply from Steve Henke, he called me and we talked for quite a
while, great guy, but in the end, his final answer was  "Find an old
machine and install EVB ISO then run the scripts."

Is it because HAM people are assumed to be dumb?  Couldn't a shell
script be written to pull down known versions of zaptel/dahdi, libpri,
and Jim's branch, and install?

If you are just using the box for USB/URI use, do you need
zaptel/dahdi?  I seriously doubt you need libpri (lol).

I look forward to a logic answer as to why EVB and ACID are being
basically forced, and why nobody writes a simple howto or script to
get Asterisk, libpri, Zaptel/DAHDI from Digium's servers and build
from source.

Steve Totaro

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Steve Totaro
<stotaro at totarotechnologies.com> wrote:
> Why not just use Jim Dixon's SVN branch on Digium's servers?  I would
> think that would be the cleanest, easiest, and most up to date code.
> svn checkout http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4
> Thanks,
> Steve Totaro
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Stephen Rodgers
> <hwstar at rodgers.sdcoxmail.com> wrote:
>> Tony,
>> Here's some additional information to go along with my previous message.
>> 1. After compiling and installing files.tar.gz, use the initial config
>> files in the /usr/src/configs and ./usr/src/configs/usbradio directory
>> to /etc/asterisk then
>> move file zaptel.conf to /etc.
>> 2. files.tar.gz currenly comes with chan_rptdir version 0.2. After you
>> have resolved the segfaulting issue, you'll need update the source file
>> to version 0.5.
>> Steve
>> Tony Langdon, VK3JED wrote:
>>> I've been trying to install Asterisk on a CentOS 4.4 box for a while,
>>> but not with much luck.  I got Asterisk compiled and the software
>>> installed.  After a couple of issues finding the right kernel-devel
>>> package for my kernel, all seemed to install fine.  I also installed
>>> chan_rtpdir (v 0.2 so far, though now I will need 0.5).  However,
>>> when I try and start Asterisk, I get a segfault if there is anything
>>> at all in rpt.conf.
>>> While the idea of using a distribution like ACID or EVB is nice, I
>>> was forced to use a pre-existing system, so reformatting isn't an option.
>>> If I use the sample rpt.conf, Asterisk loads fine.  However, as soon
>>> as I uncomment any line, then Asterisk dies with a segfault on the
>>> second pass of reading my rpt.conf.
>>> On my system, it reads and identifies the rtpDir link on the first
>>> pass and then dies on the second pass.  For the record, I recompiled
>>> chan_rtpdir on my system to avoid library/compiler issues, which I
>>> did have also.
>>> Anyone have any ideas?
>>> Alternatively, are there some sample configs that can be used on an
>>> existing Asterisk box?  I'm running no RF hardware on Asterisk at
>>> this stage.  All paths to RF are via the rtpDir link.  Eventually, I
>>> might add a remote base directly to Asterisk, or move the RF hardware
>>> to Asterisk.
>>> 73 de VK3JED
>>> http://vkradio.com
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