[App_rpt] Ider, ID's leaking over all*link

Don Russell w9drr at live.com
Tue May 27 08:49:20 UTC 2008

I have a couple issues I'm trying to work out. Any input appreciated.

I have noticed that when I do a "rpt fun xxxx *xxxx" that dials something from the asterisk dial plan
say "rpt fun 2090 *694" ( Plays back a recorded message, then hangs up). The 
ID that should follow never happens after that command. If I trigger them by macro, shell commands, 
or by console, the ID is not getting tripped. It just stays in the "CLEAN" state.

Same thing is happening for iaxrpt remote connections. I "kerchunk" the repeater from
the remote, no ID. Same for remote issued dtmf commands.

Is there a setting I need to make to enforce the ID rules. 

I have set in /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf :
idtime=570000                           ; id interval time (in ms)


Also, same ID issue happens when linked with my local node 8888 (Self muting, s.a.m.e. decoding Wx receiver).
The WX radio trips, audio airs. repeater carrier drops, no id after.

Along those same lines, my *695 "custom ID" leaks out when linked. Should auto patch calls be local only, or is
there a option to make them stay local? I think its still technically illegal to use a remote/linked autopatch since that is toll avoidance, if the actual
user is not in the geographical area ..... rules suck. Now with advent of VOIP who really cares?  

Maybe I'm doing things backasswords. I am trying to setup occasional alternate ID's. 
The main id is very short. Alt-ID has our club affiliation mentioned.
Its not really considered a "Tail Message". I'm trying to duplicate a NHRC-2 function. 
After first keyup play ID1, every X mintes play ID2. If after X minutes of inactivity play
ID2 then go to sleep. Next keyup starts over loop.

hmmm. now that I think about it as I'm proofing this email, 
I'm not sure I am getting any ID's or tail messages.
I know if I issue a *80(status,11) it does playback the ID. if I keyup during playback, I do get the IDtalkover morse ID.


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