[App_rpt-users] Error! Not Authorized from IP xxx.xxx.xxx.69

Tim Sawyer tim.sawyer at mac.com
Sun Oct 18 23:33:07 UTC 2009

One of my 3 nodes on the same box will not register. The subject error  
message (obtained with: statpost_program=/bin/wget,-q,--timeout=15,-- 
tries=1,--output-document=/root/stats.txt)  has the wrong/old IP  
address.  Also note /var/lib/rpt_extnodes has the following for my 3  

2528 = radio at xxx.xxx.xxx.115:4569/2528,xxx.xxx.xxx.115
2530 = radio at xxx.xxx.xxx.69:4569/2530,xxx.xxx.xxx.69,y
2535 = radio at xxx.xxx.xxx.69:4569/2535,xxx.xxx.xxx.69

   (what's the y on the second line about?)

FYI, I moved nodes 2530 and 2535 to a new box leaving the 2528 behind  
for a while which in the one that is now screwed up. I'm pretty sure I  
have everything set up right on the new box as nodes 2530 and 2535  
register ok and 2528 is set up the same way.

So how do I get the new IP address to take?


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