[App_rpt-users] How to determine which node is transmitting to the hub node

Jim Duuuude telesistant at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 9 14:50:39 UTC 2010

It's actually not too difficult.

>From the Asterisk CLI, do a rpt dump <nodenumber>
(where nodenumber is the node number of the HUB node)
This must be done on the system hosting the hub node.
The dump information will appear about 10 seconds after
the command is entered (this delay is quite intentional).

It will give alot of information. The interesting one in this case
is the 'link->lastrx' entry. This will be set to '1' for each link
whose peer is currently in the 'keyed' state.

In the following example, I did this from my hub node (2000) and intentionally
held the mic keyed on the Miami Mtn. repeater (node 2002). Note that under node
2002, it shows 'link->lastrx 1':

Node2000*CLI> rpt dump 2000
app_rpt struct dump requested for node 2000
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17602 rpt: ********** Variable Dump Start (app_rpt) **********
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17603 rpt: totx = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17604 rpt: myrpt->remrx = 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17605 rpt: lasttx = 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17606 rpt: elap = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17607 rpt: toexit = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17609 rpt: myrpt->keyed = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17610 rpt: myrpt->localtx = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17611 rpt: myrpt->callmode = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17612 rpt: myrpt->mustid = 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17613 rpt: myrpt->tounkeyed = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17614 rpt: myrpt->tonotify = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17615 rpt: myrpt->retxtimer = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17616 rpt: myrpt->totimer = 551659
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17617 rpt: myrpt->tailtimer = 995
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17618 rpt: myrpt->tailevent = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17619 rpt: myrpt->linkactivitytimer = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17620 rpt: myrpt->linkactivityflag = 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17621 rpt: myrpt->rptinacttimer = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17622 rpt: myrpt->rptinactwaskeyedflag = 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17623 rpt: myrpt->p.s[myrpt->p.sysstate_cur].sleepena = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17624 rpt: myrpt->sleeptimer = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17625 rpt: myrpt->sleep = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17626 rpt: myrpt->sleepreq = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17627 rpt: myrpt->p.parrotmode = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17628 rpt: myrpt->parrotonce = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17633 rpt: *** Link Name: 2023 ***
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17634 rpt:         link->lasttx 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17635 rpt:         link->lastrx 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17636 rpt:         link->connected 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17637 rpt:         link->hasconnected 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17638 rpt:         link->outbound 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17639 rpt:         link->disced 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17640 rpt:         link->killme 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17641 rpt:         link->disctime 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17642 rpt:         link->retrytimer 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17643 rpt:         link->retries = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17644 rpt:         link->reconnects = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17645 rpt:         link->newkey = 2
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17633 rpt: *** Link Name: 2002 ***
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17634 rpt:         link->lasttx 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17635 rpt:         link->lastrx 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17636 rpt:         link->connected 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17637 rpt:         link->hasconnected 1
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17638 rpt:         link->outbound 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17639 rpt:         link->disced 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17640 rpt:         link->killme 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17641 rpt:         link->disctime 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17642 rpt:         link->retrytimer 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17643 rpt:         link->retries = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17644 rpt:         link->reconnects = 0
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17645 rpt:         link->newkey = 2
[Sep  9 07:40:06] NOTICE[26251]: app_rpt.c:17656 rpt: ******* Variable Dump End (app_rpt) *******


> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 00:17:44 -0400
> To: app_rpt-users at qrvc.com
> From: wa1sot at pcom.com
> Subject: [App_rpt-users] How to determine which node is transmitting to the	hub node
> Is there any way to look at some log file to determine which node is  
> transmitting to a hub node?
> How can I determine which of the many nodes connected to the hub nodes has  
> a stuck transmitter?
> How can I determine which node is broken so I can disconnect it from the  
> hub node?
> Is there some type of IAX2 Packet that I can look for that indicates  
> transmit?
> Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
> Thanks,
> Jim WA1SOT
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