[App_rpt-users] Sending commands via php..

Bryan D. Boyle bdboyle at bdboyle.com
Sun Dec 9 02:43:50 UTC 2012

Inspired by Tim's superlative allmon script...and talking with Paul
KC2VRJ, we dug up a php script and AMI include file that initially let
you hard define one node to send DTMF commands to from the command line.

Well...I'm an inveterate (but not competent) php hacker...so, I modified
it a bit to do a couple things...one was mod it so it could be called
from either the shell OR inside a URL (messily...), and second was to
change the coding a bit so you could specify both the node and the DTMF
command (the NJ/PA Asterisk Group controls the network out here via the
function stanzas at each node and on our hubs).

Anyway...I'm going to include the first swing of my hacked code and said
include file (which has a lot more functionality...just using one small
piece) in this message...the usage from the cli is:

/where/ever/control.php node# dtmf

(like /var/www/html/control.php 99999 *9205)
(where node# is the allstar # and dtmf is the function defined in the
node stanza in rpt.conf)

and from a URL:


It's fugly.  From the URL, it prints out the #!/usr/bin/php -q command
at the top...so, if anyone can figure out how to prevent that...I'm not
a php type...;)  And, it's doing NO checking to make sure that the
arguments are not NULL.  So..if anyone wants to hack at that and pass it

My thoughts are that along with Tim's great script...this could be used
as the back end to a more comprehensive control page for a node set in a
network, either via a couple of manual input boxes on a web page, or
through a drop-down list to select a node and then an input box to type
in the command.  Of course, all password protected, etc.  There's lots
of room to wiggle here.

The include file is distributed under the GNU lesser license...

It's a first cut, folks, and I'm not a php expert (or even play one on
TV), so any improvements or corrections would be gratefully

-- 8< --
#!/usr/bin/php -q


# Title:	control.php
# Author:	Unknown, but sent to me by Paul Nannery KC2VRJ
# Mods by:	Bryan Boyle WB0YLE
# Date:		8 December 2012
# Version:      0.01
# This amateurish and ugly php script takes two values:
# the first being the node to command,
# and the second, the DTMF command that's being sent
# First, we check whether it's being sent via a url or via the cli:

if ($_GET) {
	$node = $_GET['node'];
	$cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
else {
	$node = $argv[1];
	$cmd = $argv[2];
echo "Command $cmd is being sent to $node\n\n";

# Then, we pull in the API so we can process and send to the AMI
# interface by calling StarAstAPI (which should be in same directory):

require_once './StarAstAPI.php';

# Connect and log in:

$ami = new AstClientConnection();

# Login credential are defined in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
# in your /etc/asterisk directory on your system. User is
# the user that has the right privileges in the manager, password is as
# defined in the configuration, ast system is the FQDN or IP,
# port is 5038 or where ever else you moved it.  Change the values
# in the line to match YOUR system.
#                 user      password      ast system   port
#                  vv          vv             vv        vv

if ($ami->Login( 'admin',  'somepsw',     'AstSysIP', 5038 )) {
    $rp = $ami->GetResponse('1');
    //echo $rp->ToString();
} else {

# Assemble and send the following AMI packet:
#     ACTION: Command
#     command: rpt fun $node# $command

$data = new AstPacketData;
$data->AddKVPair( 'Action'  , 'Command' );
$data->AddKVPair( 'command' , "rpt fun $node $cmd" );
$packet = new AstPacket;
$packet->SetAstPacketType( 'Action' );
$packet->SetAstPacketData( $data );
$ami->SendPacket( $packet );

# Log out -- not strictly necessary, but cleaner:


# Unfortunately, StarAstAPI isn't totally discreet.
# It does this:
# echo "Logoff Called from somewhere ...";
# socket_close($this->mSocket);

echo "\n";

-- 8< --
-- 8< --

//    StarAstAPI. A library to connect to Asterisk manager Interface.
//    Copyright (C) <2006>  <S. A. Kamran Kamran at starutilities.com>
//    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
//    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    Lesser General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
//    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
//    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301  USA
// Ver 1.00
class MyCollection{
        protected $mObject=array();

        function __construct(){
        function Count(){
        return count($this->mObject);

        function Add($obj){
        function AddKVPair($obj1, $obj2){
        protected function Init(){
                //nothig to be initialized yet.
        function Remove($cursor){
        catch(Exception $e) {
                //got an exception
                return false;
        function GetFirst(){
                return ($this->mObject[0]);

        function GetNext(){
                return next($this->mObject);
        function Pop(){
                return array_pop($this->mObject);
        function GetAll(){
                return $this->mObject;
        protected function Get($tKey){
                $tObjts = array_flip($this->mObject);
                return array_search($tKey, $tObjts);

class AstPacket extends MyCollection{
        private $mType;

        function SetAstPacketData(AstPacketData $AstPacketData){
        function GetAstPacketData(){
                return MyCollection::GetFirst();
        function SetAstPacketType($AstPacketType){
        function GetAstPacketType(){
                return $this->mType;
        function GetActionID(){
                return array_search("ActionID:",$KVPair);

        function ToString(){
                $mString = "";
                                $mString .= "$Key $Value\r\n";

                        $mString = $mString."\r\n";
                        return $mString;


class AstPackets extends MyCollection{

        function AddAstPacket(AstPacket $AstPacket){
        function GetAstPacket(){
                //This uses FIFO
                return $myastpacket;

class AstPacketData extends MyCollection{
        private $mActionVariables=array();

        function AddKVPair($mKey, $mValue){
                $mKey = $mKey.":";
        function AddActionVariable($varName, $varVal){
        function GetEventType(){
                return MyCollection::Get("Event:");
        function GetActionType(){
                return MyCollection::Get("Action:");
        function GetResponseType(){
                return MyCollection::Get("Response:");

class AstConnection{
        protected $mSrvIP;
        protected $mSrvPort;
        protected $mProtoType;
        protected $mSocket;
        protected $mCounter;

        protected function Connect($SrvIP,$SrvPort,$ProtoType){
                if (($this->mSocket = socket_create(AF_INET,
                        return false;
                if (($ret = socket_connect($this->mSocket, $SrvIP,
$SrvPort)) <0){
                        return false;
                }else {
                        return true;
        function IsConnected(){
                if($this->mSocket < 0){
                        return true;
                        return false;
        function SendPacket(AstPacket $ap){
                //echo "Now in send packet .... \r\n";
                //echo $ap->GetAstPacketType() ."\r\n";
                        return false;

        function Receive(){
                $tAstPacket = new AstPacket();
                $tAstPacketData = new AstPacketData();
                $tNeedPackets = true;

                while($this->mSocket && $tNeedPackets){
                        if(!$rbuff=socket_read($this->mSocket, 2048)){
                                return false;
                        //echo "receive buff=$rbuff \r\n";
                        $arrbuff = explode("\r\n", $rbuff);
                        foreach($arrbuff as $tline){

                                        $tNeedPackets =

if($tAstPacket->GetAstPacketType() == "Event:"){
                                                $tapd =
                                                $tEventType =
                                                $tNeedPackets =
$this->GotEvent($tAstPacket, $tEventType);
                                        }//astpakcet type ends

                                        $tAstPacket = new AstPacket();
                                        $tAstPacketData = new
                                } //if ends here
                                //echo "Line is = $tline \r\n";
                                list($tKey,$tValue) = explode(":", $tline);
                                //echo "Key=$tKey and value=$tValue \r\n";
                                if($tKey=="Action" or $tKey=="Event" or

if($tAstPacket->GetAstPacketType() == ""){
                                                //echo "Setting packet
type to = $tKey \r\n";

                                        }else {
                                                echo "Malformed Packet
Discarding ...\r\n";
$tAstPacket->GetAstPacketType() ."\r\n";
                                                echo "$tKey  $tValue \r\n";
                                                $tAstPacket = new
                                                $tAstPacketData = new
                                                continue 2;
                                        } //if $tAstPacket ends
                                } //if $tKey ends
                                $tAstPacketData->AddKVPair($tKey, $tValue);
                        } //foreach ends
                } //ends whilesocket
                return true;
        protected function GotPacket(AstPacket $tAstPacket){
                //echo $tAstPacket->ToString();
                return true;
                //Do not put functionality here. Override in subcalss

class AstClientConnection extends AstConnection {

        function Login($Username, $Password, $ServerIP, $Port){
                $this->mCounter =0;
                $apd = new AstPacketData();
                $apd->AddKVPair("Action", "login");
                $apd->AddKVPair("Username", $Username);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Secret", $Password);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Events", "on");
                $this->mCounter++ ;
                $apd->AddKVPair("ActionID", $this->mCounter);

                $ap = new AstPacket();
                //echo "about call Connect function\r\n";
                        //echo "Connect Passed .. \r\n";
                        if(!$dmy=socket_read($this->mSocket, 2048)){
                                echo "Socket Cannot Read ...\r\n";
                                return false;
                        //echo "About to call Send Packet ...\r\n";
                        return true;
                        echo "cannot connect \r\n";
                        return false;
        function Logoff(){
#                echo "Command Sent";
        function GetResponse($tActionID){
                $tAstPacket = new AstPacket();
                $tAstPacketData = new AstPacketData();
                $gettingpacket = true;

                while($this->mSocket && $gettingpacket){
                        if(!$rbuff=socket_read($this->mSocket, 8192)){
                                return null;
                        //echo "receive buff=$rbuff \r\n";
                        $arrbuff = explode("\r\n", $rbuff);
                        foreach($arrbuff as $tline){


if(($tAstPacket->GetAstPacketType() == "Response:") &&
($tAstPacket->GetActionID() ==$tActionID)){
                                                $gettingpacket = false;
                                                return $tAstPacket;
                                        $tAstPacket = new AstPacket();
                                        $tAstPacketData = new
                                } //if ends here
                                //echo "Line is = $tline \r\n";
                                list($tKey,$tValue) = explode(":", $tline);
                                //echo "Key=$tKey and value=$tValue \r\n";
                                if($tKey=="Action" or $tKey=="Event" or

if($tAstPacket->GetAstPacketType() == ""){
                                                //echo "Setting packet
type to = $tKey \r\n";

                                        }else {
                                                echo "Malformed Packet
Discarding ...\r\n";
$tAstPacket->GetAstPacketType() ."\r\n";
                                                echo "$tKey  $tValue \r\n";
                                                $tAstPacket = new
                                                $tAstPacketData = new
                                                continue 2;
                                        } //if $tAstPacket ends
                                } //if $tKey ends
                                $tAstPacketData->AddKVPair($tKey, $tValue);
                        } //foreach ends
                } //ends whilegettingpacket
                return true;
        function Cmd($command){
                $this->mCounter++ ;
                $ap = new AstPacket();
                $apd = new AstPacketData();
                $apd->AddKVPair("Action", "COMMAND");
                $apd->AddKVPair("ActionID", $this->mCounter);
                $apd->AddKVPair("command", $command);
                return $this->GetResponse($this->mCounter);
        function GetConfig($file){
                $this->mCounter++ ;
                $ap = new AstPacket();
                $apd = new AstPacketData();
                $apd->AddKVPair("Action", "GetConfig");
                $apd->AddKVPair("ActionID", $this->mCounter);
                $apd->AddKVPair("FileName", $file);
                return $this->GetResponse($this->mCounter);
        function Dial($Aparty, $Bparty, $Priority=1, $Timeout=30000,
                $this->mCounter++ ;
                $ap = new AstPacket();
                $apd = new AstPacketData();
                $apd->AddKVPair("Action", "originate");
                $apd->AddKVPair("ActionID", $this->mCounter);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Channel", $Aparty);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Context", $Context);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Exten", $Bparty);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Priority", $Priority);
                $apd->AddKVPair("Timeout", $Timeout);
                return $this->GetResponse($this->mCounter);
        function GotEvent(AstPacket $Event, $EventType){
                return true;
                //Do not add lines here, just override in subclass
        function EventsOn(){
                $this->mCounter++ ;
                $ap = new AstPacket();
                $apd = new AstPacketData();
                $apd->AddKVPair("Action", "EVENTS");
                $apd->AddKVPair("EVENTMASK", "ON");
                $apd->AddKVPair("ActionID", $this->mCounter);
        function EventsOff(){
                $this->mCounter++ ;
                $ap = new AstPacket();
                $apd = new AstPacketData();
                $apd->AddKVPair("Action", "EVENTS");
                $apd->AddKVPair("EVENTMASK", "OFF");
                $apd->AddKVPair("ActionID", $this->mCounter);

class AstSrvConnection extends AstConnection {

        function Listen($SrvPort, $ProtoType){


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