[App_rpt-users] Documentation Typo?

Jim Kehler kh2d at bellsouth.net
Thu Feb 9 04:13:26 UTC 2012

I visited this page when I was adding another URI today:


I think I found a typo, but I don't know who edits that
web site so maybe someone can pass it along.

It says:

/17. Add the 5678 extension in the radio-secure context to call the rpt 
application using the new node number:

exten => 1234,1,rpt,1234
exten => 5678,1,rpt.5678/

I think the last line should say "rpt,5678" instead of "rpt.5678".

At least I had a lot less errors on the console screen after I changed 
it to a comma :-)

73, Jim KH2D

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