[App_rpt-users] changing PL on the fly

Bryan D. Boyle bdboyle at bdboyle.com
Sun Feb 12 21:46:31 UTC 2012

is there any way to change the PL values on the run, or does it require
a full restart, since it's not a rpt function as much as it is in the
USB module?

Just taking my nuclear option a bit further and actually have scripts to
do so based on a function call (I put them in
/etc/asterisk/scripts/lidon.sh and lidoff.sh), but right now, the script
does an asterisk -rx "restart now" (reload just didn't read the
usbradio.conf file,)

Would like it to be a bit less 'nuclear' than aggravating my upstream
hub sysop and other users who may be listening...

Gentle direction appreciated...


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