[App_rpt-users] DTMF voice falsing

Paul J. Agamata Sysman at Xceptions.COM
Mon Jan 23 19:30:26 UTC 2012

Yup, this has worked very well.

On 1/23/12 9:15 AM, "Steve Agee" <n5zua at earthlink.net> wrote:

>I just tried this and it works GREAT!
>I used to see DTMF falsing on almost every transmission ... maybe 50
>milliseconds or so when watching from the CLI at radio debug level 1.
>the change, I see nothing, even when I lean on the mic and intentionally
>over deviate. I'm not noticing any delayed decoding of DTMF either.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ken" <ke2n at cs.com>
>> My experience always has been that the standard install is WAY too
>> sensitive
>> to DTMF false decodes.
>> There may be an easier way to do this (I hope to find), but, one way is
>> remove the RADIO_RELAX compiler flag
>> in
>> /usr/src/astsrc/asterisk/menuselect.makeopts
>> it should read only:
>> Then cd astsrc
>> And
>> ./configure
>> Make
>> Make install
>> There is a menu for changing compiler flags in recent releases - you
>> to
>> make the menuselect program when you do the install (I think)
>> 73
>> Ken
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org [mailto:app_rpt-users-
>>> bounces at ohnosec.org] On Behalf Of Chris(KB2FAF)
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 2:06 PM
>>> To: App_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
>>> Subject: [App_rpt-users] DTMF voice falsing
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been noticing an interesting problem.  Audio drops on my
>>> repeater and link sporadically for maybe 500ms now and then as a
>>> conversation is taking place.  If I watch debugging data from CLI it
>>> usually coincides with DTMF being sensed in certain voices.  Is there a
>>> way to increase the time it takes for the system to recognize DTMF?  Or
>>> is there something else going on.
>>> Thanks for any pointers...
>>> Chris
>>> KB2FAF 
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