[App_rpt-users] Is there a way?

Alan Adamson adamson_alan at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 23 18:58:26 UTC 2012

Wow, Don, why didn't I think of that last one. duh.   Leads me to my next
question. There is in stanza in the in the rpt.conf file that's called
[nodes].  From the description in the rpt comments it would suggest that
what needs to be there are *local* only or better *off allstar* nodes, and
yet the configuration from the web configuration utility put my allstar
nodes in there.
So which is it?  And would you put the node number there per 3) below?  or
just in the definition stanza in rpt.conf and the other normal places?
From: Don Hackler [mailto:donh at sigma.net] 
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 12:42 PM
To: Alan Adamson
Cc: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Is there a way?
A few options:
1)  don't route incoming IAX connections from your router to the server;
nothing will be able to connect from outside.
2) comment out the IAX registration for the node in the configuration file;
the all-star portal will consider it off-line; connection info will not be
published to the system.
3) create a "local" node number that isn't registered with Allstar at all.
(For example, use a 4 digit number that doesn't start with 2 or a five digit
number in the 1XXXX range)
On Jun 23, 2012, at 7:29 AM, Alan Adamson wrote:

Curious how I might configure a node to prevent external connections?  
I have node 12345 that I'd like to be able to connect to from other nodes on
the box (local nodes let's call them), but I'd like to not allow remote
connections to that node if possible?
I searched the archives and found a couple of references, but they looked
slightly different.
Thanks in advance,
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App_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
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