[App_rpt-users] Fwd: Using SVN copy of Asterisk on RaspberryPi (and "usb.h")

Shane Morris edgecomberts at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 13:01:17 UTC 2012

Sorry all, didn't click "Reply to all" - oops!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shane Morris <edgecomberts at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Using SVN copy of Asterisk on RaspberryPi
(and "usb.h")
To: "Ramesh Dhami (VA3UV)" <Ramesh at va3uv.com>

Hey Ramesh,

I agree, no one seems to really care about the RPi at the moment -
theres glory in open sourcing those video drivers I alluded to before,
and getting Plan9 to work on it, and believe you me, I'd love to see
that, but the thing is, right now, the blokes on the ground who don't
have the software to do what they need are suffering.

The other thing is, RPi forums are not coming to the party. Unsure as
to why. I have noted that I'm using an older version of Asterisk and
thats a deliberate thing - newer versions of Asterisk don't have
support for app_rpt, as far as I'm aware. Possibly they see we're
using such an old version, and wash their hands of us straight away
due to compatibility issues...?

I had a similar situation with FreeSWiTCH once, downloaded the trunk
the night before they did a big update from 0.4 to 0.5 and of course,
they'd changed the way the config files worked, totally. Went onto IRC
to talk about it, they were really good about it, but they kind of
said, "Gee, you must have downloaded the trunk at the wrong time..."

Of course, I refuse to let my URI become an AU$180 paperweight.

Practicality: there is no aptitude package for the kernel source. Its
as simple as that. From 3.1.9 to 3.2.27+, not a cracker. They cite
this is a fast moving target, and while I sympathise with them, this
thing *is* moving, it leaves poor blokes like you and I out in the
cold. And I bet we're not the only ones asking about the kernel
source...! I've tried using "apt-cache search kernel-devel" and
nothing. I'm considering adding mainline Debian repos to aptitude, and
downloading the kernel source for Wheezy from there. I may have to
then disable the mainline repos, I'd actually run into issues with the
compilation of Asterisk (before realising app_rpt wasn't able to be
selected) and the particular architecture - GSM codec won't compile
for an ARMv6 target, must be generic ARM.

That should, in theory, work. Since the package is source, and not a
platform specific application, theres no case of it downloading an x86
package, say, and trying to execute it. As for the hooks? Unsure,
there would be a particular directory structure that it would create.
But then theres a proviso: since its a "canned" package, will it
actually work?

I've actually installed tonezone2-dev from aptitude, and then was
told, don't, it won't work. I must install the source version of
tonezone included with Zaptel included with the SVN version of
Allstar. I don't doubt why. They built it. Plus is the tonezone2 too
new? Etc etc. I didn't really ask why, I think understand enough.To
get myself into trouble, evidently.

I cant sleep at the moment, and I'm not tired. Might grab a coffee,
drag out the Macbook out to the dining room where my DJ rack with the
equipment in it sits in the corner, and try this adding repo thing. I
encourage you to try the same - if only so we can compare notes. I
take it you're in Canada with a "VA" callsign? I was VK2FPGA before I
let it lapse due to personal issues. I'm doing this for a community
group at the moment who, at a particular part of the year, get a two
week temporary licence, and use Simoco SRM9000s on UHF. If I can get
this working, I might be able to give my mate this as part of his
wedding present, although I'm sure his bride will question the
applicability to her ^.^ Don't worry, they're getting a lovely photo
frame that I'm going to encourage them to put a photo of their special
day into.

In any case, Ramesh, I hope this is a little food for thought for ya,
I'm trying to think about ways around the problem. I mean, there has
to be some way around it, its Linux for crying out loud! It *is* the
hackers OS, after all...

Hope this helps...!


On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 11:27 PM, Ramesh Dhami (VA3UV) <Ramesh at va3uv.com> wrote:
> Hi Shane;
> Seems like there is little interest in the PI at the moment!
> Here are the notes that Jim gave me to install Asterisk / app_rpt on my ALIX
> board, running Centos.... of course the commands and packages will need to
> be adjusted - but, may be this will help you:
> # bear in mind, this applies to *this particular installation*... some
> needed stuff
> # was already installed.. if you want a completely inclusive list of all the
> stuff done
> # on a completely bear Centos install, look at the phase1.sh script in the
> acid trunk SVN directory
> # update to latest kernel (since the 'kenrnel-devel' package will have to
> match this version
> yum -y update kernel
> # install all packages needed to support Zaptel/Asterisk
> yum -y install zlib-devel kernel-devel alsa-lib-devel ncurses-devel
> libusb-devel newt-devel openssl-devel curl-devel
> # install from SVN (per Allstarlink site)
> cd /usr/src
> rm -rf astsrc
> mv trunk astsrc
> cd astsrc
> make upgrade-acid
> # install the initial default config files to make a SimpleUSB node
> cd /usr/src/astsrc/configs
> cp *.conf /etc/asterisk
> cd simpleusb
> cp *.conf /etc/asterisk
> # move the 'zaptel.conf' file to the right place
> cd /etc/asterisk
> mv zaptel.conf /etc
> # install the system (boot) startup files for Zaptel
> cd /usr/src/astsrc/zaptel
> make config
> # install the system (boot) startup files for Asterisk
> cd /usr/src/astsrc/asterisk
> make config
> # Start Zaptel manually this time
> service zaptel start
> # Start Asterisk manually this time
> service asterisk start
> # now you have a running Asterisk/app_rpt system
> # with a "default" SimpleUSB configuration
> # this does *not*, however, install the Allstar Support
> # scripts, like updatenodelist
> =================================
> So far, I have installed:
> zlib1g-dev
> alsa-utils
> libncurses5-dev
> libusb-dev
> libnewt-dev
> Jim's instructions say to install "kernel-devel" - we need to solve this
> mystery.
> How are you compiling the zaptel stuff?
> Have you done a 'make upgrade-acid' in the /usr/src/astsrc folder? - were
> you able to get that to work?
> Cheers,
> Ramesh.
> On 27/10/2012 4:33 AM, Shane Morris wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just as an update, I've cloned the git repo for RPi, and it has what
>> should be the 3.2.27+ kernel source in it. Unfortunately for me, when
>> I go to "make" Zaptel, it still tells me I don't have the required
>> kernel sources. Now, I have put the symbolic links in the /usr/src
>> directory, still no dice.
>> I have just checked the github.com site, and lo and behold, 3.2.27+ -
>> hmmm, rather interesting.
>> Is there any other processes or files that I may still require to try
>> to get the thing to realise I've just downloaded the kernel source?
>> Many thanks for your help...!
>> Shane.
>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Shane Morris <edgecomberts at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi mate!
>>> I've had Real Life (TM) intervene in the meantime since my last email,
>>> and I've not been able to invest any time in the project.
>>> Additionally, theres not been any responses to my post on the RPi
>>> forums regards the information I need to get the kernel sources needed
>>> to compile the Zaptel drivers, and potentially the Asterisk
>>> implementation. I've just checked.
>>> Its rather unfortunate, I'm sure I'm not the only one asking for
>>> kernel driver source. However, as a point of interest, if you want to
>>> port Plan9 to RPi, you can now do so, the video drivers are open
>>> source...
>>> There is a git repo that I can get the details for you again, if
>>> needed. The only reason I haven't downloaded this was the fact its
>>> over 200MB, and I have a data limit of 2,000MB per fortnight. I have a
>>> little extra data at the moment, I might hook it all back up again
>>> tomorrow, and try downloading the git. Set it to download before I go
>>> to sleep, wake up again about 5am, and see where I'm up to.
>>> I'm not sure how helpful this is for you, at this present time. If I
>>> can help out in any other way, let me know, I'll see what I can come
>>> up with. To get URIs working with the RPi would solve next years radio
>>> application, our redesign of the RTCM won't be ready by early October
>>> next year.
>>> Actually, I'm going to go hook the RPi back up to its monitor and
>>> cabling (I have a VESA mount plate for it), and get it working on the
>>> network again - as mentioned, I'll set it to download just before I
>>> take my tablets tonight, and let it run in off peak, hopefully there
>>> isn't too much HSPA traffic on my local cell.
>>> If the git is downloaded by tomorrow morning, I'll have a crack at
>>> those kernel sources, and see if I can get Zaptel working. If that
>>> works, then Asterisk should fall into line after it. All being well.
>>> Now if only the local electronics shop could get me the 5 pin DIN
>>> plugs and sockets I've ordered so I can hook up my SRM9000 to my
>>> URI...
>>> Hope this helps, even if we both know it isn't much at this point. Let
>>> me know if theres anything else I can do.
>>> Shane.
>>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Ramesh Dhami (VA3UV) <Ramesh at va3uv.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Shane!
>>>> Having got a few Raspberry Pi's going with my FREE STAR* project
>>>> (www.freestar.us), I thought I'd give app_rpt a try.... I am also using
>>>> the
>>>> Raspbian "Wheezy" distro.
>>>> How did you get the 'kernel-dev' package installed?
>>>> I have tried a few different methods...
>>>> apt-get install make gcc linux-headers-`uname -r`
>>>> apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-devel
>>>> apt-get install linux-kernel-devel (-dev as well)
>>>> And no joy!!!
>>>> Do tell....
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Ramesh.
>>>> On 12/10/2012 2:16 AM, Shane Morris wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I am using Raspbian on the RaspberryPi, which is a "wheezy" image,
>>>>> upgraded to the latest kernels, using an aptitude copy of dahdi.
>>>>> I SVN checked out 1.4.23-pre of Asterisk as per the link on the Drupal
>>>>> site, and have been mulling over the various issues as they popped up
>>>>> during compilation.
>>>>> Where I've hit a brick wall is the "usb.h" file needed by
>>>>> chan_simpleusb.c. I've had a poke around the guts of my Raspbian
>>>>> install and tried a few files from the headers src package, but
>>>>> nothing seems to work.
>>>>> I've also installed libusb2-dev from aptitude, again, to no avail in
>>>>> terms of placing a "usb.h" file into the /usr/local/include/ folder.
>>>>> So, my question is this: while I can find plenty of references to
>>>>> "usb.h" in the source files on the various repos on the net, I'm
>>>>> unable to find a copy of the actual "usb.h" file - if someone could
>>>>> shed some light on where I could potentially wget this file from
>>>>> straight into my include folder, that would be great.
>>>>> As for my application, I'm using a RaspberryPi for the fact its very
>>>>> low powered, and since I'll be using a 10Ahr Lithium solar/
>>>>> performance car battery (started off as solar cells, were adapted to
>>>>> performance cars like the Subaru WRX) and a solar panel/ controller, I
>>>>> can gain autonomy over a weekend operating period. In short, I don't
>>>>> want to drag a generator to the remote base to top off the batteries
>>>>> if I can help it.
>>>>> The URI will be hooked to the Pi on one end, and a Simoco SRM9005 on
>>>>> the other end, through a set of custom cables I'm (slowly) soldering
>>>>> up. I did some more work on them today in terms of the DB25 to URIx
>>>>> cable (which will go to a 5 pin DIN socket, then 5 pin DIN plug to
>>>>> DB15 on the Simoco).
>>>>> On the client end I'll be using IAXRpt on my Macbook Air, which has
>>>>> OSX 10.7 and the latest, sound enabled, WiNE package, along with
>>>>> Winebottler wrapper program to make it nice and GUI like for me - not
>>>>> that I'm afraid of a command line, I just like some things to be
>>>>> simple, and sometimes our PEKAC troubleshooting has to be done with
>>>>> non-experienced personnel, who would faint at the sight of a CLI.
>>>>> I've also got a Linksys SPA942 I want to try in terms of VOX
>>>>> activation, but thats a secondary concern now I've got IAXRpt working
>>>>> successfully on my Mac.
>>>>> Of course, success (under test conditions) will be I press "Ctrl" on
>>>>> the Mac, and I hear my voice come out the SRM9025 head, and vice
>>>>> versa, PTT the SRM9025 head and hear it come out the laptop. This will
>>>>> be interesting, as the MBA doesn't have a microphone port, only a
>>>>> built-in mic, and the Bluetooth stereo input device I bought at Aldi
>>>>> didn't work... I also want a DJs "stick" headphone, as my role in
>>>>> these weekend expeditions is PEKAC and general support, as well as
>>>>> some operation - apparently I have a good, strong radio voice.
>>>>> Ok, enough rambling, as you can see, I'm using the various properties
>>>>> of the systems to gain advantage over say a vanilla Limey Linux
>>>>> install on an Atom. Plus I like ARM. I like a challenge, and if I were
>>>>> to get this working, I'm sure my friend Andrew will be able to use my
>>>>> Raspbian image on his Pis to make further remote bases for next years
>>>>> expedition at Marramarra National Park. He has more Pis and Simocos
>>>>> than me...
>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give - I'll be interested
>>>>> to hear your responses.
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