[App_rpt-users] Access Command Mode With A Macro

Bryan D. Boyle bdboyle at bdboyle.com
Thu Aug 1 02:09:34 UTC 2013

On 7/31/2013 9:41 PM, Bryan D. Boyle wrote:
> simply, no

That being said...there's lots of tricks you can do.  For instance, if
you have a web server open on the same lan segment or subnet accessible
from the asterisk box, you can make sure the manager function is
open...and, using a script (I have no idea where it came from, so, if
anyone claims authorship...that's fine, I got it from Paul KC2VRJ)
called newcontrol.php, and a web page that posts values to it, you can
pretty much control your repeater from a web page (put some
authentication around it, ok?)

And, oh, you'll have to pick up the StarAstAPI.php script that's
distributed under the GNU Lesser license.
Note, this also happens over a clear channel by default, so, you
probably don't want to do this across the net...better, perhaps to stand
up a simple web server on the asterisk box itself and use the looparound
address to talk to it...


# Title:        newcommand.php
# Author:       Unknown, but provided to me by Paul Nannery KC2VRJ
#               Full credit acknowledged if original author ID'd
# Mods by:      Bryan Boyle WB0YLE
# Date:         8 December 2012
# This bit of php script takes two values:
# the first being the node to talk to,
# and the second, the DTMF command that's being sent
# and echoing it out.

if ($_POST) {
        $node = $_POST['node'];
        $cmd = $_POST['cmd'];
else {
        $node = $argv[1];
        $cmd = $argv[2];
echo "Command $cmd is being sent to $node\n\n";
# Include StarAstAPI:

require_once './StarAstAPI.php';

# Connect and log in:

$ami = new AstClientConnection();

# Login is from the /etc/asterisk/manager.conf credentials as
# configured in your base directory on your system.
#                 user      password      ast system   port
#                  vv          vv             vv        vv

if ($ami->Login( 'admin', 'changeme', 'asteriskboxIPAddress', 5038 )) {
    $rp = $ami->GetResponse('1');
    //echo $rp->ToString();
} else {
# Send the following packet:
#     ACTION: Command
#     command: rpt fun $node# $command

$data = new AstPacketData;
$data->AddKVPair( 'Action'  , 'Command' );
$data->AddKVPair( 'command' , "rpt fun $node $cmd" );
$packet = new AstPacket;
$packet->SetAstPacketType( 'Action' );
$packet->SetAstPacketData( $data );
$ami->SendPacket( $packet );

# Log out -- not strictly necessary, but cleaner:


# Unfortunately, StarAstAPI isn't totally discreet.
# It does this:
# echo "Logoff Called from somewhere ...";
# socket_close($this->mSocket);

echo "\n";

Sample page that calls this script with pull-down values (not totally
HTML compliant, I just did the bare minimum with the header values...):

<title>Test Control Form</title>

        <h3>Node Control</h3>
         <form target="_self" method="post" action="newcontrol.php">
                <table border="0">
                <td>Node Number:</td>
                <select name="node">
                <option value="XXXXX">220 Machine</option>
                <option value="XXXXX">900 Machine</option>
                <option value="XXXXX">Bucks Hub</option>
                <option value="XXXXX">440 Machine</option>
                <option value="XXXXX">R&D/Development Hub</option>
                <option value="XXXXX">144 Machine</option>
                <td>Command to run:</td>
                <select name="cmd">
                <option value="*XXXX">Play Weather (220)</option>
                <option value="*XXXX">Play Forecast (220)</option>
                <option value="*XXXX">W3SK Connect</option>
                <option value="*XXXX">W3SK Disconnect</option>
                <input type="submit" value="Transmit" />
<div id="response"></div>


Note, these are just a proof of concept/hacked together page...the
option values for the select name="cmd" in the web page are the DTMF
commands that call the function stanza for the node in question.  SO,
while all my nodes may have a common *1XXXX disconnect sequence (bing
connected to the same hub in question, they can either 1) send directly
a DTMF sequence to a node, 2) call a cmd,script to run a shell script,
or 3) call a cmd,shell/executable program to do something.

Improvements are left as an exercise to the reader.  Note, these ideas
are so primitive, they really need to be tweaked. But some more grist
for the mill.


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