[App_rpt-users] Node Blocking

David Osborn david.osborn at manx.net
Fri Aug 30 16:18:05 UTC 2013

Hi James,


No, I'm familiar with the EchoLink thing. This is specifically AllStar


It's not something I want to do much, if at all, but it's one for the
arsenal lest it be needed.


BTW. We see you connected frequently to 2483 et al, but don't often hear any
voices J (and, no, you're not going on the blacklist!!)




From: James Hill [mailto:jrh at g0fhm.co.uk] 
Sent: 30 August 2013 17:13
To: David Osborn
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Node Blocking


On 30/08/2013 17:06, David Osborn wrote:

Hi Group,


I'm convinced I've seen talk of this before, but having trawled the
archives, I'm darned if I can find it.


Is there a method of blocking specific AllStar nodes from connecting? I know
we're all friends here and wouldn't dream of being unpleasant to each other,
but there are occasions when it may be necessary to temporarily stop another
node from linking. How would this be achieved?








If you are talking about the Echolink side, you can put a line in
echolink.conf that will allow/or disallow certain callsigns/node types.

I have mine set to permit=*-* (ie any RF link) and certain PC users
callsigns, seperated by commas. The rest get the "Un Authorised" message and
a connection failure!

Keeps the kerchunkers away, and the bad PC audio!


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