[App_rpt-users] Permanent Connections

Bryan D. Boyle bdboyle at bdboyle.com
Mon Oct 7 19:04:14 UTC 2013

2 function scripts....and a third which is a copy that is created by either of the two as the last step.

ie: (and the number is up to you, but I'll use 85...)


(i have a directory under asterisk that i dump all my scripts into.  keeps the asterisk directory clean and tidy)

do.sh is a copy of either 




depending on what the LAST command was; think of it as preloading the toggle.

the last line of up.sh or down.sh is a line
rm -f /etc/asterisk/scripts/do.sh;cp /etc/asterisk/scripts/(the opposite file).sh /etc/asterisk/scripts/do.sh

now, you can use *85# as a resolution to a macro, a direct DTMF commend, or a scheduled task or what have you.  

That's how I'd do it.  The OS is powerful...use it to do what it does best. 

Sent from my iPhone 5...small
keyboard, big fingers...please
forgive misspellings...

On Oct 7, 2013, at 14:35, Steve Denbow <kd8biw at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to set up a permanent connection to another node to link 2 repeaters at different sites together. My node has macros set up to allow easy connection to other area nodes ie: (Macro 13 = *33353296#) To make things easier for the users, I would like to use the "disconnect all" to disconnect any nodes they may connect to, while still leaving the permanent connection in place. It does not work that way unfortunately, as it drops ALL connections (as the name implies). So here are my questions:
> Can a "permanent" connection truly be made permanent?
> And/or
> I would like to setup a macro to connect to a node, but then have that same macro also disconnect that node if entered again (think toggle on/off). I'm thinking something similar to the rotating ID script I've seen around. Is this a plausible solution? What other ways could I accomplish this?
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Thank you!
> Steve KD8BIW
> 224.580- [110.9]
> Allstar Node 29912 
> Echolink Node 297683
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