[App_rpt-users] ARRL WAS Re: App_rpt-users Digest, Vol 56, Issue 28

Lloyd Colston kc5fm at aol.com
Sat Oct 12 00:44:14 UTC 2013

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 1:54 PM, <app_rpt-users-request at ohnosec.org> wrote:

> yeah, it still has some mindshare (especially amongst the dinosaurs in the
> ARRL, who refuse to acknowledge that allstar exists...and despite the
> population of a* approaching that of the older stuff, have refused to list
> our nodes as such in the repeater directory...),  but progress waits for no
> man.

As one of the dinosaurs at the ARRL and a Quarter Century Wireless
Association member to boot, please allow that:

1.  The ARRL is only one repeater directory publisher.  As mentioned
http://www.repeaterbook.com/ where I am a moderator
http://www.artscipub.com/repeaters/ are just two.

I don't see many nodes listed on the latter two, though coordinated
REPEATERS are.  After all, it is a REPEATER directory.  I have our simplex
resource listed on RepeaterBook because I am a moderator.  If you are
interested in getting your NODE listed there, become a moderator yourself.
 It's easy work.  Help is always welcome.

OH ... and the Android and IOS app for RepeaterBook is GREAT for the
traveling ham who is as averse to paper as I.   :)

2.  As an AllstarLink user, I have achieved a number of pleasant QSOs on my
computer and phone.  I like AllstarLink because it works on any phone,
including landline.

Conversely, I have been offended by AllstarLink users who were just as
welcoming as some on Echolink and IRLP groups.  In fact, one trustee of a
popular linked system told me publicly, over his system broadcasting RF to
all and streaming over the AllstarLink system, that my laptop connection
was not welcome.  I was happy to tell him that I was disconnecting.  I sent
him a nice email challenging his QRZ.com profile verbiage about welcome
connections and offered to meet him for coffee sometime.  I'm still waiting.

... and this is an example of how a fairly new user was treated.  In other
words, there was no clear lines regarding allowed use.  As a result, I am
cautious to to connect to some repeaters because they don't reveal their
network connections.

Nevertheless, amateur radio is a BIG hobby.  You are welcome to your corner
of it while I occupy mine.    :)

I will smile at you in person and by email.   :)

3.  The American Radio Relay League is the biggest US ship sailing the
Amateur Radio Sea.  The Radio Society of Great Britain and Radio Amateurs
of Canada offer similar services in their countries.  The ARRL has been a
strong proponent of new technology, ex. article on Page 92 of November 2013
QST addressing remote base, i.e. remotehams.com use for DXCC operations,
use of Echolink to send Morse Code practice
http://www.arrl.org/echolink-irlp so those without HF stations can still
participate, etc.

If you are not a LEAGUE member, you are letting the membership set the
direction of amateur radio for you.  I feel the ARRL membership is worth
the attorney at the Washington, DC office and the radio insurance that
covers my cellphone because, after all, it IS a "radio device" that I can
use to talk to people on AllstarLink, Echolink, APRS, and IRLP.  If there's
something the League is not doing right, I have the ear of the Section
Manager and the Division director.  I know an email to either does not go
to spam.  I am a regular participant in the Section Leadership conference

I hope to connect to you on the local node WX5ASA-R on Echolink and IRLP
8115 with AllStarLink being added as I have time, money, and patience, not
necessarily in that order.  Otherwise, please find me on
remotehams.comenjoying HF operation, scanning local repeaters, and
enjoying the social
aspects of amateur radio, without degrading comments, over coffee.

Oh ... and who wants to help me write the QST article about AllstarLink?



Lloyd Colston KC5FM
Altus, OK USA http://wx5em.us
Straight Key Century Club #5676
Croatian Telegraphy Club CTC # 1.931
CARF #294 Ten-Ten #10231 OMISS #8719
Southcars #8276 QCWA #31935 ARRL #8037325
http://www.carf.net http://www.ten-ten.org http://norcars.net/
http://kc5fm.blogspot.com  http://doodle.com/kc5fm
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