[App_rpt-users] Beaglebone Black Allstar operational

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Sat Apr 5 04:51:39 UTC 2014

Some good news, I have Allstar running on the (BBB) Beaglebone Black. At least so far it does not seem to have the flaws that plagued the Raspberry Pi. The BBB has more processing power and does not seem to suffer from the USB problems the RPi had.

Much more testing needs to be done as I have only had the Black for three days! I think many distributors are already out of stock since just last week when I got notice they were again available.

The install is running in Debian wheezy 7.3. The BBB has a number of ways to connect. SSH via ethernet, via a client USB from a PC, via a serial port, or using the HDMI/keyboard. I have disabled the HDMI though and I am running it headless. The BBB only has one host USB port unlike the RPi's two.

The BBB has 54 GPIO lines available when you disable the HDMI. So there a a lot of things you can do with it.

I have not given up on the RPi. It just has some flaws that would make it objectionable to most users when running Allstar. I have been running it here and those at the other end have no idea I am using it but there are processing delays would make it unusable in a repeater environment and annoying otherwise. There is a group working on USB issues and perhaps I can revisit it in the future.  
73 Doug
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