[App_rpt-users] Nodes with Traffic

Bob kk6ecm at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 02:20:21 UTC 2014

No system is perfect... chose wisely. One guy in Vegas was happy about the
WINSystem :-) 

Received from a friend early last November. 


I received this from Denis, a ham that works for one of the aircraft
manufacturers down in the LA Basin....


Hello All: There was a May-Day call Sunday on the Win-System, Quite eventful
in my opinion. I then got an e-mail from Chuck (W4ROA). This is the story.


Linked Ham Radio Repeater System Instrumental in Hiker Rescue

TAGS: 70 centimeters, emergency traffic, GPS, Las Vegas, Rescue


A hiker in distress in Nevada is thankful that he had his hand-held
transceiver along when he found himself stranded in the hills near
Henderson. Western Intertie Network (WIN) System member Jim Frederick,
KF6QBW, in Arizona reports he was monitoring the system November 3 around
midday when he heard, “Mayday, Mayday. Hiker in distress! from his WIN
System repeater.


“I grabbed a charged battery for my VX-5, and the call came over the radio
again,” Frederick says. He responded, and the hiker on the other end, Nathan
Rischling, KDØHFM, of Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, told him hed misread
the elevation on his topographical map, had ended up on a very steep and
rough area, had stuck his hand on a cactus, and could find no safe way out
of his situation. He had a GPS, however, and was able to provide Frederick
with his precise coordinates. Rischling said he had a day’s worth of food
and water but needed help getting off the mountain, as he would not get back
to his starting point before sundown and didn’t think his GPS battery would
last out the trip.


“KDØHFM stated that he did not take a conventional trail and was using a
topographical map and GPS for guidance,” Frederick explained.


Frederick said he knew from experience that a call to the Las Vegas search
and rescue would expedite the process, so he put out a call on the WIN
System for any Las Vegas station that could make the call. James Freeman,
KG7EWP, promptly came back, and Frederick handed off the emergency traffic.
Freeman called 911 and spoke with search and rescue, and stood by until the
situation was resolved. Within 15 minutes a rescue helicopter was on the


Frederick kept his ear to the radio until the event was resolved, in case
someone needed more information from him, and a few hours later, he
overheard Rischling thank KG7EWP for helping “and everyone else on the WIN
System for standing by.”


The WIN System is a series of 90 linked, or inter-tied repeaters most on UHF
(70 centimeters) — that cover a substantial portion of California, 16 other
states, and four countries around the world. It is owned and operated by
Shorty Stouffer, K6JSI. KF6QBW is an affiliated repeater station with the
WIN System.


“Without Shorty, K6JSI (my Elmer), and the WIN System and its members, I
would not have known what to do, let alone been able to help, as I was just
a link in this chain of events,” Frederick said. — Thanks to Chuck Baer,
W4ROA; Jim Frederick, KF6QBW; Shorty Stouffer, K6JSI, and Sean Kutzko, KX9X




From: app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org
[mailto:app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org] On Behalf Of Kirk Just Kirk
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:37 PM
To: Skyler F
Cc: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Nodes with Traffic


Yes indeed!!!  connect to 2560 and get your fill of.....

Non stop radio checks.....

Audio critics.....

Operating critics.....

I love myself Coronado Dave......



Mouth farts......

REAL Farts......


500 pound women telling you how to operate, that you need to shut up every
20 minutes while they talk all day and night

Shorty telling you how to operate/act....

Made up technical standards.....

Just ask for a check in hahaha....


This should either burn your transmitter in or UP.......


Please have a bottle of TUMS ready...possibly a bottle of Damn-It-All




On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Skyler F <electricity440 at gmail.com> wrote:


I installed a node on a repeater with little traffic. I want to play a lot
of stuff so people scanning through the repeaters hear something and then go
there and hang out on that repeater.

What allstar nodes can I connect to that have a lot of traffic? (Like the
Western or Win system reflector, which is IRLP)


Skyler kd0whb


Skyler Fennell



electricity440 at gmail.com

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