[App_rpt-users] private nodes with dynamic IP

Mihhail Jakovlev mihhail.jakovlev at telegrupp.ee
Sat Feb 15 22:08:01 UTC 2014

Hi all,
I am a new app_rpt user, I have a server with installed ACID, server have static IP. I have 3 assembled RTCM boards configured as voting repeater, it works fine.
One RTCM can work as simplex node too.

I was compiled app_rpt for Raspberry pi with SimpleUSB, it works, but I have question:
How I can connect 2 maybe 3 or more) PC based "slave" nodes (endnodes with radio connected) to "master" server, if only "master" server have a static IP, and all endnodes use dynamic?

Two nodes in local network with static IP works fine

All my nodes a private system(s), not in Allstar network. Master server have static IP, and all endnodes (PC based and RTCMs have dynamic addresses)


Mihhail Jakovlev

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