[App_rpt-users] Full Centos 5.10

ronald simpson n6gkj1 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 16:31:17 UTC 2014

Kept at this and realized that I did not install Dahdi... So I grabbed
Dahdi and the dude patches. Patched, compiled and installed it. Recompiled
Asterisk after reboot I am now able to run Allstar from my Centos Laptop.

Now writing the client/server back end that will talk to the BBB Nodes.

Also writing the Dispatch Software that will do a similar function as the M
Gold Elite. Won't be as fancy or as versatile but will do what I need done.

Right now Allstaring from a PC we have two options, The dude wrote the Java
based web transceiver and there is iaxRpt. Both work as intended.

I am looking to have a series of remote base radios scattered about here
and there. I want to monitor all of them and select which one I want to
talk on. I can also monitor HUB nodes.

My plan is to take a DMK URI and an unmodified USB sound fob and build a
"Communication Interface Module" this CIM will have a local mic port,
select and unselected speakers and a foot switch input.

This will be the hardware for two independent local control nodes in one
box. The software and client/server package will control how the local
controller will monitor and talk to other HUBS and  Nodes.

Big project but I think this will be worth the effort. Along time ago I
posted to the board asking if anyone had done a software app that performs
a similar function as M Gold Elite. We kicked that idea around and
determined a software solution was not really workable.

I will share my work if successful with others who want to do the same
thing or improve the concepts and implementation.

Ron,    <-------- (big dreamer)
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