[App_rpt-users] turn off telemetry

Bryan D. Boyle bdboyle at bdboyle.com
Fri Jun 6 15:58:22 UTC 2014

> It's beyond me why someone simply can not just answer the question.
> Time is saved, frustrations levels are dropped, the appearance of  cooperation

Answering a question to something which is found (whether or not Drupal is daunting or not, 99% of the answers can be found there) by spending at least a little time researching the docs or even a google search without having given an indication that such research was done is why answers may seem dismissive.  

An example:

1."How do I do X?"

2."I read through the docs online about X and don't really understand why you would use Y value to do Z.  Tried doing a, b, and c like it says, and my box is/is not working right.  Can someone help point in the right direction?"

Since I'm thinking most of the list members have Real Lives (tm) outside of running repeaters, the former probably doesn't engender a desire to repeat what is already found elsewhere, while the latter question probably gets people's creative, problem-solving juices flowing and is more likely to engender a thoughtful response. 

Not criticizing, mind you, but given the depth of experience here, and the desire to assist, at least help those who will chime in with possible solutiions some context other than a blank slate around which to formulate a response...:) 
Sent from my iPhone 5...small
keyboard, big fingers...please
forgive misspellings...

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