[App_rpt-users] simpleusb vs. usbradio

Tim Sawyer tim.sawyer at mac.com
Sat Jun 14 03:28:32 UTC 2014

I too recommend using Simple USB whenever possible. I just want to add that if the Allstar Portal configuration is used one has the option to install Simple USB. No mucking about with editing configuration files. You can even create a multi-node system with the Allstar Portal point and click interface. Also, readers should note that Simple USB is documented here http://ohnosec.org/drupal/node/193

On Jun 12, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Doug Crompton <doug at crompton.com> wrote:

> The fact that the Acid release installs configured for usbradio means that most just use that mode. The simpleusb.conf file is not even in /etc/asterisk and one has to search for it and also the docs on using it. 

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