[App_rpt-users] Recomendeded commands for ajusting the time in my node.

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Wed Nov 5 19:52:53 UTC 2014


   You do exactly the commands you gave - here is some more detail...

At the linux prompt typecd /etc
cp localtime localtime.orig

This copies the existing localtime file to localtime.orig   
This is not really necessary but should you ever want to return it to original it is there.
Then look at the directory where the time zone files are stored.

ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/

You should see something like this -

Africa      Chile    GB         Indian       Mideast   posixrules  US
America     CST6CDT  GB-Eire    Iran         MST       PRC         UTC
Antarctica  Cuba     GMT        iso3166.tab  MST7MDT   PST8PDT     WET
Arctic      EET      GMT0       Israel       Navajo    right       W-SU
Asia        Egypt    GMT-0      Jamaica      NZ        ROC         zone.tab
Atlantic    Eire     GMT+0      Japan        NZ-CHAT   ROK         Zulu
Australia   EST      Greenwich  Kwajalein    Pacific   Singapore
Brazil      EST5EDT  Hongkong   Libya        Poland    Turkey
Canada      Etc      HST        MET          Portugal  UCT
CET         Europe   Iceland    Mexico       posix     Universal

Choose the one that applies to your zone - I think you are Puerto Rico so you would then look at the America directory and listed there is Puerto_Rico

So the entire path would be -


Now make sure you are in the /etc directory -

cd /etc

Then create a link of that file to localtime -

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Puerto_Rico localtime

Remember case is important!

Then do a date command and hopefully see you r local time -


Wed Nov  5 14:51:06 EST 2014

73 Doug

From: alberto_e_puig at hotmail.com
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 14:12:34 -0500
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Recomendeded commands for ajusting the time in my	node.

Hi everyone,
Newbie on allstar,no linux expert.Trying to follow these recommended commands for adjusting the time in my node.

          Adjusting the Time Zone        


 default ACID is configured for the US Pacific time zone. The file 
/etc/localtime controls which time zone the system thinks it is in. All 
of the time zone files the rest of the world are located in 
/usr/share/zoneinfo. To change the time zone, find the time zone file 
you want to use, and make a soft link to it like this:

cd /etc
cp localtime localtime.orig
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Victoria localtime

You can check to see that the time zone is now correct by using the date command from the shell.

Can someone give me a hint on how to do this? All help will be appreciated.Thanks

Alberto, node 41355 73s


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