[App_rpt-users] RPI2 DIAL

Robert Newberry N1XBM at amsat.org
Tue Dec 8 14:27:09 UTC 2015

Any suggestions on places to look if my node is resetting. Two things are
happening. I run two nodes on one server. One of those nodes is permanently
connected to the other. Then the other node is permanently to a remote hub.

So sometimes my nodes briefly disconnect and reconnect. When I look in
allmon2 I see that everything reconnected on their own leading me to
believe the network briefly dropped.

The second scenario is my node isn't connected leading me to believe a
reboot happened.

I realize I can run a macro to automatically connect when it powers up.
What I'd like to know is something happening with the power at the site or
is my RPI2 having a problem. The site owner says no this happening.
Although he has no indication is he is losing power or network.

Apparare Scientor
Paratus Communicare
Allstar Node # 27086, 41540, 41812, 42086
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