[App_rpt-users] Startup_macro

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Sun Jul 5 14:50:14 UTC 2015

I kind of agree that the link is a little confusing. Here is how I do it. 

I execute the startup macro command in the node section of rpt.conf - 

startup_macro=*A999         - The function could be any DTMF sequence you want preceded by *

Then in the function section I have that DTMF string defined.



Then create a script called /etc/asterisk/local/startup_connect.  
Where xxxxx = your node, yyyyy = node you want to connect to 
Make the script executable - chmod 750 /etc/asterisk/local/startup_connect

#! /bin/bash

# First connect
/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "rpt fun xxxxx *3yyyyy"
sleep 1
# second connect
/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "rpt fun xxxxx *3yyyyy"


Of course this does not have to be connects. It could be anything you want Allstar to do.

Another option if you want to do it all within Allstar (I like to do it external) is to create a macro -

1=*32000 *32001

Then the startup macro command would be -


In this example this would connect to node 2000 and 2001 at startup. Again you can put as much as you want in the macro or even call other macros.

73 Doug

From: kk6ecm at gmail.com
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:53:03 -0700
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Startup_macro

WRT http://ohnosec.org/drupal/node/143 
I don't understand the *95... I think I get the 3<node number> portion for a connection (where does the "95" originate, or what is its purpose?), and it looks like I can string multiple commands in a line... I'm missing something.
Sent from iPad

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