[App_rpt-users] Remote bases

Tony Langdon vk3jed at vkradio.com
Thu Nov 26 22:13:51 UTC 2015

On 27/11/2015 12:26 AM, Stephen - K1LNX wrote:
> Thanks Michael... I haven't touched hamlib in years and this did not
> even dawn on me! I'll definitely have to give it a shot.

Hamlib can make a great remote base.  I scripted up my own remote base
using thelinkbox, instead of AllStar, but I believe it could be made to
work with with AllStar, since all it requires is the host system to fire
off shell scripts, and replace a few calls to tlbcmd with Asterisk
equivalents (mainly to link and unlink the remote base radio port, and
later, to provide user feedback).  I do a bit more processing in the
scripts, like setup a command structure, as they can be called from the
Echolink text box or SSH, perhaps even web programming, and I move the
radio specific stuff out to a separate script which calls rigctl.  That
way, changing radios is as simple as writing a small custom script, and
changing an environment variable in the main script.  I also implement
band limits - defining allowed bands, then labelling them as Rx only (in
case of no antenna, mismatched antenna or local conditions), or Tx/Rx. 
My system is designed to be accessed from a local repeater, as well as
over IP, so the band limits are there to prevent non amateur traffic
from being relayed over RF.  Finally, I've written presets for local
VHF/UHF repeaters, mostly so I can easily call up a repeater when out
and about. :)

It's still a work in progress, I've been too focused on non amateur
pursuits for the past several months to continue scripting, but it's
basically functional.

Looks like my next project is to port the system to work with
AllStar/app_rpt. :)  Might not happen until after summer (southern
hemisphere), when things start to slow down for me. :)

73 de Tony VK3JED/VK3IRL

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