[App_rpt-users] How i deal with isp changing ips every day..

Loren Tedford lorentedford at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 18:45:36 UTC 2015

Ok so here is how i have dealt with ip changes every 12 hrs or so.. I know
its horrible not having a static ip but our provider doesnt offer it for
the package we have in order to get it they want to change about 240
dollars extra a month for business class internet.

So i have copied together a mixture of information i found online and
basically set it up that if the public ip changes it then takes and
restarts asterisk via service asterisk stop then sleep for 5s then service
asterisk start...

I am by far the worst person in the world to rely on for scripts i
seriously wish i understood shell scripts.. But here is what i have.

For this to work you need install
sudo apt-get install sendmail sendmail-bin
sudo sendmailconfig

If this is the first time using crontab -e command it will ask you which
type of editor you wish to use 1 nano 2 vim I usually select option 1 for
crontab -e

Put this line in crontab -e
*/2 * * * * sh /etc/asterisk/ip.sh

To exit crontab -e press ctrl + x it will then ask if you want to save the
settings Y for yes then enter.

Create ip.sh I put it in /etc/asterisk/ folder
nano ip.sh-
#### ip.sh shell script
#### this script sends mail to an email address if ip changes
#### Also restarts asterisks if the ip changes.
touch old_ip.dat

wget whatismyip.org

read T1 <index.html
read T2 <old_ip.dat

if [ "$T1" = "$T2" ]; then
 echo "IP Is the same doing nothing";
(echo "From: Ipchanged at myrepeater.com"; echo "To: email at email.com"; echo
"Subject: IP Address Update"; echo; echo "Computer's IP Changed. The new IP
is:"; cat /etc/asterisk/index.html) | sendmail -f Ipchanged at myrepeater.com
email at email.com
service asterisk stop
sleep 5s
service asterisk start

rm old_ip.dat
mv index.html old_ip.dat

### End of shell script ip.sh

Loren Tedford (KC9ZHV)
Email: lorentedford at gmail.com
Main Line:1-631-686-8878 Option 1 for Loren.
Fax Line 1:1-618-551-2755
Fax Line 2:1-631-686-8892 (New Fax line)
Cell: 618-553-0806
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