[App_rpt-users] Crackle

Robert Newberry N1XBM at amsat.org
Thu Sep 3 18:21:37 UTC 2015

On both my acid installations I have a  crackle on the tail. I noticed this
first on my first installation using usbradio. I have since installed a
second node on a different repeater using usbradio and hear this same
crackle. I have a third node using simpleusb and do not hear this crackle

The only reason I think usbradio it's heard on the tail almost like the
squelch trying to adjust itself to compensate for a static burst.

Has anyone ever heard this before? Maybe I'm all wet with my usbradio
theory. It never bothered me but a few people have noticed it too so I
figured I would ask.

Apparare Scientor
Paratus Communicare
Allstar Node # 27086, 41540, 41812, 42086
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