[App_rpt-users] DIAL - RPi2 - ChanUSB

David Osborn david.osborn at manx.net
Wed Mar 16 07:08:18 UTC 2016

Hello all,

I've finally got around to setting-up a Dial installation on an RPi2 and hit
a snag:

The image boots as it should and I end up with Asterisk running and the LED
flashing on the USB dongle (which has been used without difficulty on a
PC-based installation for some time).

Here's the first problem:

root at peel:/etc/asterisk# /usr/sbin/radio-tune-menu
Error parsing device parameters
root at peel:/etc/asterisk#

The second thing is that I'd like to use full-fat ChanUSB, using DSP for
everything. I set "rxchannel = Radio/usb" in rpt.conf, but Asterisk takes
great exception to that complaining that it can't find the channel driver.

So, what would upset radio-tune-menu and how to use ChanUSB?

As always, I'll be missing something obvious. Thanks.

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