[App_rpt-users] Reverse AutoPatch

Jim Duuuude telesistant at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 30 23:10:03 UTC 2016

A real, live example is in extensions.conf, just after the beginning of the [allstar-sys] stanza:

exten => _1.,1,Rpt(${EXTEN:1}|Rrpt/node:NODE:rpt/in-call:digits/0:PARKED|120) 75

exten => _1.,n,Hangup

In this case, it is passed 1 plus the node number as an extension. If you replace "${EXTEN:1}" with your node

number it should work.


From: app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org <app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org> on behalf of JJC <cummingsj at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 3:21 PM
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Reverse AutoPatch

I have scoured the internet to find documentation about reverse autopatch but have had no luck.  I have been able to get autopatch working without a problem and have had _limited_ success in getting allstar(dial) to answer.

I was able to get allstar to answer and allow me to run DTMF with the following, but really all that I want is reverse autopatch or both....

If I make any real changes to the stanza in extensions.conf I get an error like:
Using INVITE request as basis request - 1939985154 at<mailto:1939985154 at>
Found no matching peer or user for '<>'
[Mar 30 16:15:32] NOTICE[575]: chan_sip.c:14351 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Caller ID Strings..."

allowguest = no
register=REDACTED:XXXXXX at gvgw.simonics.com/2230<http://REDACTED:XXXXXX@gvgw.simonics.com/2230>

context = default
allowoverlap = no               ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
bindport = 5060                 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
bindaddr =              ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
srvlookup = yes                 ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls


exten => 2230,1,Answer()
exten => 2230,n,Playback(rpt/node)
exten => 2230,n,Saydigits(${EXTEN:1})

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