[App_rpt-users] Data Center Asterisk Crash..

Loren Tedford lorentedford at gmail.com
Wed May 25 12:32:13 UTC 2016

Greetings I had an episode again where the data center crashed on me for
some reason..

Here is a pastebin of my /var/log/asterisk/messages file..

I decided to ban an IP after looking at the logs however I still don't
exactly see what caused the crash..

Here is a few lines before the major crash..

[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[4576] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled.
[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[4576] dnsmgr.c: Managed DNS entries will be
refreshed every 300 seconds.
[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[4576] indications.c: Removed default indication
country 'us'
[May 25 03:30:05] WARNING[4576] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring switchtype
[May 25 03:30:05] WARNING[4576] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring signalling
[May 25 03:30:05] WARNING[4576] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring rxwink
[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[4576] chan_iax2.c: Ignoring bindport on reload
[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[4576] chan_iax2.c: Ignoring bindaddr on reload
[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[27342] app_rpt.c: Unable to open radio repeater
configuration rpt.conf.  Radio Repeater disabled.
[May 25 03:30:05] NOTICE[27340] app_rpt.c: Unable to open radio repeater
configuration rpt.conf.  Radio Repeater disabled.
[May 25 03:30:06] WARNING[27323] app_rpt.c: rpt_thread restarted on node
[May 25 03:30:06] WARNING[27323] app_rpt.c: rpt_thread restarted on node

In crontab -e I have this..

*/15 * * * * sh /etc/asterisk/stopez.sh

root at server:/var/log/asterisk# cat /etc/asterisk/stopez.sh
kill -9 $(pgrep ezstream)&
sleep 2s
kill -9 pgrep ezstream
sleep 2s
/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "module reload"

The above script kills ezstream and reloads the module so far this has
worked well for about 6 months now but I do get this periodic crash every 2
or 3 months..

Loren Tedford (KC9ZHV)
Email: lorentedford at gmail.com
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