[App_rpt-users] AllStarLink for the BeagleBoard-xM

Steve Zingman szingman at msgstor.com
Sun Dec 31 17:54:13 UTC 2017

When the first versions of AllStarLink on Debian were created, one 
existing version was left out. That version was for the BeagleBoard-xM. 
The BBxM has a daughter board called the LOX for I/O to 2 radios. In my 
conversations with Jim, he really liked the Beagle and LOX combination. 
Or was it bagels and lox? I was never quite sure. Jim wanted me to make 
sure I continued to support the BBxM/LOX. We had existing users and they 
should not be left out in the cold. I agreed.

I had problems making it work the way we wanted it, so it got shelved. I 
did not want to forget, so it I kept it very visible on the shelf. I 
could not help but see it. Something of a thorn in my side. I do not 
know how many users are out there. I do not know if the BBxM is still 
available. I do not know if DMK is still selling LOX board. But, a 
promise is a promise so here we go.

I have built a proof of concept image for the BBxM. The image is built 
with Debian Stretch. The image requires a 8GB or larger SD card (for now)
The login is repeater
The password is allstarlink

These are the things I still need to do:

Build the image with apt-get install rather then building from source. 
You will then be able to do a apt-get upgrade and get the most current 
AllStarLink programs and upgraded Debian Stretch programs.
Shrink the image so it will copy to a smaller SD card and then fill the 
root partition to fit the available space on the card.
Regenerate the ssh keys on first boot.
Set the user repeater to allow login with the password of allstarlink 
the first time then force setting a new password.
Tweak the beagle.conf settings so a first time user (are there any?) 
will be able to make carrier access work and not get bit by the CTCSS 

This image assumes you can edit config files in /etc/asterisk.


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