[App_rpt-users] DNS Setup

K5CG k5cg at hamoperator.org
Sun Nov 12 17:38:12 UTC 2017

I just went through this yesterday with a new DIAL installation (http://dvswitch.org/files/AllStarLink/RAT_RC1.tar.gz). 

As you have observed, netsetup (for Static setup mode) sets the DNS nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf but updating that file directly is not supported for the OS. On reboot, the resolvconf process overwrites /etc/resolv.conf again and removes those entries. 

And as you also found, entering dns-nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces doesn't work with resovconf. 

I've decided to use netsetup to set networking to DHCP and I set a static MAC entry for the IP I want assigned in my router. This works as expected. 

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