[App_rpt-users] How does Allstarlink work?

Steve Zingman szingman at msgstor.com
Wed Nov 29 03:19:25 UTC 2017

On 11/28/2017 10:02 PM, Benjamin Naber wrote:
> I would like to know how allstarlink works. I could assume specific
> questions, but I'd rather like to start from the top.
> I'd like to know from an outside view of what the "DNS" system that has
> been put into place, and if it is a hamvoip thing, or if it is a ASL
> wide system.
It is a HAMVIOP thing. As I understand it, not that I have been filled 
in except by hearsay, it is meant to replace the existing nodelist 
system /var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes which is updated less often.
There is a AllStarLink plan for a DNS system to replace both the node 
lookup and registration system.
> I have the basic understanding of node registering, as the fundamental
> IAX2 trunk linking is no different than two Asterisk boxes for a VoIP
> system. There are, obviously, other things at play to make this system
> of ours, work.
You pretty much have it. Add the creation of the nodelist.
> Why am I asking? Because I like to know how stuff works, so when I
> bitch about something not working, I have a better understanding as to
> why it does not work, and can ask more intelligent questions.
> As entertaining as it may be, exclaiming: The damn thing doesn't work!
> is not a good starting point to getting an issue resolved.
I do so love those posts.
> ~Benjamin, KB9LFZ
Steve N4IRS

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