[App_rpt-users] Remote Base telemetry

Neil k8it k8it at cac.net
Mon Feb 12 01:06:32 UTC 2018

ok I understand.  the uri that feeds the remote radio, is it set to a private number such as 1500 which you connect and disconnect from the main node as desired.
doing thif will give you better control .

73 Neil Sablatzky  K8IT
Allstar Node 41838 KITLINK
Allstar Node 42087 KITLINK HUB
IRLP Node exp0068
Echolink K8IT-L
WIRES-X K8IT 11479 Room 21479

From: Thomas Moss 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 6:38 PM
To: App_rpt-users at lists.allstarlink.org 
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Remote Base telemetry

Thanks for the input, but I am using the serial commands through hamlib/rigctl to the kenwood serial port on the radio. I have it working well. The issue is when the node reads back the status or acknowledgement of the commands it transmits the audio over the remote base radio. I would like the node to read back the status of the radio with out transmitting it over the air. I am using the extensions.conf to call my bash script and then return the information being announced with the Playback command in extensions.conf. Is there another way to announce the information or a way to prevent the radio from transmitting while the announcement is happening?


From: "Neil k8it" <k8it at cac.net>
To: <App_rpt-users at lists.allstarlink.org>
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Remote Base telemetry
Message-ID: <20C12B740F1F460BACE63137A7590B5A at NSLAPTOP>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

it sounds like you are trying to send control dtmf via the 6 pin interface.  this is only half the trick. to control the radio use an optional rs232 to usb cable plugged into another usb port.
I use a python script  or bash script or hamlib to send commands to this control port

73 Neil Sablatzky  K8IT
Allstar Node 41838 KITLINK
Allstar Node 42087 KITLINK HUB
IRLP Node exp0068
Echolink K8IT-L
WIRES-X K8IT 11479 Room 21479

From: Thomas Moss
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2018 7:39 PM
To: App_rpt-users at lists.allstarlink.org
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Remote Base telemetry

I am trying to make a Kenwood TM-D710 work through the extensions.conf phone patch commands to execute a script to command hamlib/rigctl for control of the radio.

I want to have the audio feedback from the commands to play on the linked allstar node and not transmitted across the remote base radio. The only commands I have been using is rpt/localplay and Playback for the audio feedback. Is there another command which would send the audio to the connected node and not out to the RF side?

I also have read there is a tmd700 module that works with the native remotebase commands. Where would I look to modify commands to adapt it for the tmd710, which appears to have more functionality than I can using hamlib/rigctl.

For information I am running a current DIAL RC1 image on a raspberry 3.



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