[App_rpt-users] Raspberry Pi3 model B

ARS W5OMR ars.w5omr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 00:26:29 UTC 2018

So... my RPi3's are in.  I also bought a couple of 32gb SDcards.
Stopped by a Walmart (love laughing at the Walmartians, anyway) and picked
up an HDMI-to-VGA adapter for the monitor I have for this project, a new 7'
ethernet hose, dd'ed the RAT_RC1.img to the sdcard,

dd bs=1M if=/home/geoff/Downloads/RAT_RC1/RAT_RC1.img of=/dev/sdb1
3000+0 records in
3000+0 records out
3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 239.58 s, 13.1 MB/s

plugged it into the sd slot on the Pi, then plugged in the USB
keyboard/mouse combo xcvr, plugged in the HDMI/VGA adapter, connected the
monitor, plugged in the microUSB cable for power, plugged the other end
into the 2.4A cellphone charger, and plugged that into the strip.
RPi3 red LED lights up, and that's where it ends.  No monitor action, no
nothing else.

What am I missing?


73 = Best Regards,
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