[App_rpt-users] URI-X Issues With New Raspbian build

Steve Zingman szingman at msgstor.com
Tue Jul 10 19:31:47 UTC 2018

If I had to guess, I would say a bad SD card burn. or a bad card.

Steve N4IRS

On 7/10/2018 11:20 AM, Jim Aspinwall No1PC wrote:
> Coincidence? Serendipity?
> I just tried the latest builds from: 
> http://dvswitch.org/files/ASL_Images/Raspberry_Pi/Stretch/
> Liking asl-menu... that helps... but as with others below... I have 
> found, on a Pi3 + RA-40 that works under the prior 'build' - I too am 
> experiencing multiple errors and ultimately failure of asterisk app to 
> identify, connect to and use the USB-connected RA-40 as either 
> USBRadio or SimpleUSB that worked under same configuration parameters. 
> It's even complaining that asterisk.ctl is not in /var/run when it 
> clearly is there.
> On the console I am getting low voltage errors I never saw before... 
> using the same power source. Measurement at the board is minimum 
> 4.96v.  Power source is a PowerPole USBBuddy 3A device from clean DC - 
> these run all of my field-racked nodes so far.  Even a 1.5a wall-wart 
> has been fine prior.  Doesn't make sense when the operational voltage 
> tolerance of the Pi is greater than this 0.8% difference.  If the 
> low-voltage check is getting in the way... how do we fix that?    
> Separate power sources for Pi vs interface boards?
> If the voltage issue is NOT "getting in the way" of Asterisk using a 
> good known USB-interfaced device? What is?
> Again, I can shut down the boards, swap the USB Flash drive from the 
> latest build to the prior and it runs fine.  I'm reluctant to in-place 
> update the working node/stick... until I can properly clone the stick 
> and test on an expendable build.   (What tool does one use to make an 
> image from a bootable stick?)
>  Yeah it's decidedly an issue with snd-pcm-oss missing from the system..
> > may need to compile a custom kernel.. _shrug_
> >> this may not be relevant, but worth saying at this point.
> >>
> >> I have found that if you initialize a pi node while not supplying 
> the Pi
> >> board with enough current
> >>
> >> during the initial start-up. Many things seem to go wrong.
> >>
> >> I'm building a bigger 5v power supply to handle 2 or three of these at
> >> once to verify what I'm thinking,
> >>
> >> but not tested anything yet.
> >>
> >> In my case, it is Dahdi
> >>> Not sure why but the /dev/dsp1 seems to be missing... I've installed
> >>> oss-compat and tried a number of things.. see below output...
> >>>
> >>> $ sudo uridiag
> >>> URIDiag, diagnostic program for the DMK Engineering URI
> >>> USB Radio Interface, version 0.9, 08/14/15
> >>>
> >>> Found CM119 USB Radio Interface at 001/005
> >>> Unable to re-open DSP device 1: /dev/dsp1
> >>>
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