[App_rpt-users] Current procedure for re-compiling asterisk/asl on deb9 ?

Stacy kg7qin at arrl.net
Fri Jul 13 02:38:09 UTC 2018

On 07/12/2018 04:30 PM, Mike wrote:
> Do we have a current procedure for re-compiling asterisk/asl on deb9 ?
> Any links to a written version ?
> ...mike/kb8jnm

** The following instructions are untested -- your mileage will vary and 
you will need to adjust for things that are missing **

I'm told the develop branch in the repository is the current version of 
ASL that was released.

The Makefile there is probably outdated a bit if it doesn't work, so you 
can try this instead:

In your /etc/apt/sources.list add:

deb-src http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ stretch main
deb-src http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ stretch-updates main
deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main

apt-get update

You will then need to install the various dependencies to get it to compile:
apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-source 
libssl7-dev wget dahdi-source dahdi-linux gawk libusb-dev doxygen git

Then try this to make sure you have everything:
apt-get build-dep asterisk
apt-get install libssl1.0-dev

Change to a base directory you want everything in and then do:

git cone  https://github.com/AllStarLink/DAHDI.git

git clone https://github.com/AllStarLink/Asterisk.git

Change into the Asterisk directory you just downloaded the sources to 
and do:
git checkout develop

This last line will switch you from the master branch to the develop branch.

Change into the DAHDI directory and then run:

make distclean
make install
make config

(I recommend recompiling and reinstalling DAHDI to make sure that the 
version that has been patches for AllStar is installed and the 
headers/libraries are available for recompiling Asterisk)

Change into the Asterisk Directory and see if the Makefile works. You 
can run make help.

If not, then try this:

cd asterisk
menuselect/menuselect --enable app_rpt --enable chan_beagle --enable 
chan_tlb --enable chan_usrp --enable chan_rtpdir --enable chan_usbradio 
--enable chan_simpleusb --enable chan_echolink --enable app_gps --enable 
chan_voter --enable radio-tune-menu --enable simpleusb-tune-menu 
make install
make samples

and if you want to program docs:
make progdocs

Change the --enable lines to --disable for features you don't want included.

This has not been tested, but should probably work for just recompiling 
asterisk.  You will have to adjust as necessary to account for 
dependencies that are missing and install them.  With Debian 9, you will 
need libssl1.0-dev to account for any SSL/TLS code that is looking for 
things that only exist in the older libssl.  With Ubuntu, libssl-dev 
should work.

Let me know how this works for you.


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