[App_rpt-users] SimpleUSB

Mike mm at midnighteng.com
Fri Jun 1 04:43:30 UTC 2018


I knew there were some strange doc errors  and no good docs when I 
loaded my first ACID system

Now that I have converted my first 'radio' system to deb9 I re-live that 
a bit.

But for those of you thinking of or that have failed to use the parallel 
port for cor and ptt,

it may be from older docs still floating around the web that I know are 
wrong for the last 8 years or more.

So, here is the skinny...

1st you must set a definition for the port address in rpt.conf

iobase=0x378     ; Parallel port address (using for cor/ptt & switches 
+dh-rbi  - 378,278,3bc common Lpt 1,2,3

Then, in either radiousb or simpleusb you need to define the pins you 
need for the service.


So that's the skinny. Simple right !

There are 4 input pins (9-12)  and 8 output pins assignable and can also 
be used for hard ctcss signaling or switching on/off devices at your 
site with the help of a transistor/diode and relay.

Now my issue not getting this to work in the conversion had nothing to 
do with that. But a reminder that I had to tear the source apart to 
figure this out back in the day.

My issue was a type error in the conversion that everyone yet to come 
from a original old ACID should take notice of.

When I used my original file for this, but not rpt.conf , since I want 
to rewrite it and clean it up. (it's massive)

The standard practice had changed relating to a "_" underscore

[usb_29285]   /  [usb29285]  and was a hard one to notice. So you might 
make sure yours matches your rpt.conf file

rxchannel = SimpleUSB/usb_29285  /  rxchannel = SimpleUSB/usb29285

So, my fresh default rpt.conf had the underscore and my x-ferd file of 
simpleusb did not.

Perhaps that will help some from loosing a few hairs ! But I think most 
have switched long before me.

(why didn't someone tell me....LOL)



On 5/31/2018 1:55 PM, Mike wrote:
> Can someone send me a copy of their modules.conf and 
> SimpleUSB.conf/RadioUSB (off list) that is using only SimpleUSB or 
> RadioUSB AND a Parallel port for i/o
> I guessing I'm missing something for the pport in modules.conf.
> As I try to transition/convert to a deb9 and new ASL from ACID, and to 
> get back into the practice with scripting,
> I'm having issues with a 'headed system' using parallel port. My old 
> config's don't work at all.
> So I'm missing something. Perhaps something new ?
> ...mike/kb8jnm
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