[App_rpt-users] Announcement: Statement regarding the changes to AllStarLink

PTTLink Admin admin at rt.pttlink.org
Sat Feb 27 08:36:56 UTC 2021

On the afternoon of 14 February 2021, AllStarLink, Inc. had a members 
meeting. This meeting was called to discuss several pressing issues 
regarding actions of the AllStarLink Board of Directors. The former 
AllStarLink, Inc. (“ASL”) Board of Directors were removed during a
membership meeting. An invitation to conduct this meeting was sent to the 
then current Officers and Board members of ASL and the board acknowledged 
receipt. Prior to the meeting the board did not contact the member’s 
representative to object or seek to continue the meeting place or time.

At the proposed time the meeting was conducted via Webex. ASL is a Florida 
Not-for-Profit Corporation, governed by Florida Statute 617 (“FS617”), and 
the meeting was conducted accordingly.

On 14 February 2021, the members meeting started at 1300 Eastern / 1000 
Pacific. As none of the former ASL Board of Directors were present, a 
decision to wait an additional 10 minutes was made. 16 members attended 
this meeting and an additional 14 proxy votes were assigned by members 
unable to attend.

After the additional 10 minute wait passed, the meeting was called to 
order by a vote of the members as none of the former ASL Board of 
Directors were present and/or accounted for. The first motions made were 
to elect a Chair and Secretary pro-term to conduct the meeting. The Chair 
pro-term (“Chair”) then accepted the proxies for members unable to attend 
and proceeded to conduct the meeting.

A discussion was had identifying actions of the former ASL Board of 
Directors conducting business in violation of FS617 and other serious 
malfeasance. After this discussion and a finding of facts, motions were 
made to censure and then remove the board which passed by a unanimous 

Additional actions taken during this meeting:
1. Motions for candidates to serve as Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer 
forming the new ASL Board of Directors were made and passed by a unanimous

2. A motion to propose, ratify and institute Organizational Bylaws for 
ASL was made and subsequently approved by a unanimous vote. These are the 
first Bylaws for ASL and were developed in an open process amongst the 

3. A motion was made to remove specific volunteers from their position(s) 
on the technical committee and from any administrative functions within 
or on behalf of ASL. This motion was additionally approved by a unanimous vote.

Effective 14 February 2021, the following former board members were 
censured and formally removed from their roles as members of the ASL Board 
of Directors:

* Peter Elke, WI6H, President
* Timothy Sawyer, WD6AWP, Vice President
* Todd Lesser, KM6RPT, Secretary
* David Shaw, WB6WTM, Treasurer
* Kevin Custer, W3KKC, Director

Furthermore, effective 14 February 2021 the following volunteers were 
formally relieved of their position(s) within the technical committee and 
from any administration functions of and for ASL:

* Andrew Lauppe, NB8P
* Adam Paul, KC1KCC
* Rob Vella, KK9ROB
* Mike Wolthuis, KB8ZGL

The actions of 14 February were not taken without deliberate measured 
contemplation by the members. Due to serious concerns regarding the 
current state of ASL’s business, administrative, and financial affairs, as 
well as the unconscionable actions taken by the former ASL Board of 
Directors, it became apparent that action must be taken to ensure the 
continued existence, growth and success of the organization.

With the adoption of the new Bylaws, ASL has both reaffirmed its purpose 
and what it means to be a member. In addition ASL has corrected serious 
deficiencies in the organizational structure intended to prevent the 
recurrence of such abuse.

The ASL Board of Directors looks forward to a renewed and reinvigorated 
organization that consists of both a multinational board and volunteers to 
reflect its true global reach. ASL remains committed to safeguarding and 
ensuring the continued operation of the ASL network, continued development 
and innovation of app_rpt and related code. In this way we honor and 
preserve the legacy of the late Jim Dixon, creator of AllStarLink.

AllStarLink Board of Directors:
Stacy Olivas, KG7QIN - Chairman
Bryan Fields, W9CR - Secretary
Jeremy Lincicome, W0JRL - Treasurer

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