[App_rpt-users] Letter to the community

pttlink pttlink at protonmail.com
Wed Jan 6 23:28:00 UTC 2021

>> There has been an answer from the administration to my questioning about the personal information being replicated without consent and other action done by some disgruntled individual
>> https://community.allstarlink.org/t/my-perssonal-information-stolen/18011/15
> Oh look. Another Pierre Martel post. Deleted from inbox, added to kill file.

Says the person who went out of their way to create a fake mailbox that looks like Pierre's. You can't antagonize him and at the same time complain about him responding!

On a side note... between here and Reddit, how do you guys live with all of your fake accounts? This is my first one and I already feel like a piece of garbage.
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