<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hey guys,<br><br>I just got in some really cheap CM108 type sound FOB's from China, they work, I use the DSP for COR and CTCSS with the DB25 pins for ptt. However, I am hearing some really noisy sound when I access this node. I setup a DMK URI on the same node, no noise. <br><br>Has anyone encountered this before?<br><br>Is it the cheap sound FOB's or is there something else I need to do.<br><br>I have my audio voitage divider feeding the RX Input, I have that fed by a 10uf cap. No DC bias on the chip. I am feeding the FOB with a VHF Maxtrac 300 discriminator audio, JU551 in position A. plenty of audio, PL detect and COR is very reliable. I use this as a RX only node. A very simple hardware configuration.<br><br>Any ideas?<br><br>Ron Simpson,<br>
N6GKJ Amateur Radio<br>
Have you ever noticed that when you are looking for something, <br>
it is always found in the last place you look?</td></tr></table>