<div dir="ltr">Hi guys,<br><br>I have 2 RPI 3 servers running the latest N4IRS release. I have a private node on each server.<br><br>RPI3 #1 is NODE 1000:4568<br>RPI3 #2 is NODE 1001:4569<br><br>Neither node can connect to the other. I am using the CLI inside the asterisk program to manually connect using <br>rpt fun 1000 *31001 from server 1<br><br>or<br><br>rpt fun 1001 *31000 from server 2<br><br>Listed here is how the scripts are defined.<br><br>extensions.conf<br>RPI3 #1<br>[globals]<br>HOMENPA = 209 ; change this to your Area Code<br>NODE = 1000Â Â Â ; change this to your node number<br><br>[default]<br><br>exten => i,1,Hangup<br><br>RPI3 #2<br>[globals]<br>HOMENPA = 209 ; change this to your Area Code<br>NODE = 1001Â Â Â ; change this to your node number<br><br>[default]<br><br>exten => i,1,Hangup<br><br>[radio-secure]<br>exten => ${NODE},1,rpt,${NODE}<br><br>[radio-secure]<br>exten => ${NODE},1,rpt,${NODE}<br><br><br>rpt.conf<br><br>RPI3 #1<br>rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo<br><br>[nodes]<br>; Note, if you are using automatic update for allstar link nodes,<br>; no allstar link nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition<br>; for your local nodes, and private (off of allstar link) nodes here.<br><br>1000 = <a href="https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/compose?to=radio@"><font color="#0066cc">radio@</font></a>:4568/1000,NONEÂ Â Â ; This must be changed to your node number<br>1001 = <a href="https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/compose?to=radio@"><font color="#0066cc">radio@</font></a>:4569/1001,NONEÂ ; and iax port number if not the default<br><br>RPI3 #2<br><br>rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo<br><br>[nodes]<br>; Note, if you are using automatic update for allstar link nodes,<br>; no allstar link nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition<br>; for your local nodes, and private (off of allstar link) nodes here.<br><br>1000 = <a href="https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/compose?to=radio@"><font color="#0066cc">radio@</font></a>:4568/1000,NONEÂ Â Â ; This must be changed to your node number<br>1001 = <a href="https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/compose?to=radio@"><font color="#0066cc">radio@</font></a>:4569/1001,NONEÂ ; and iax port number if not the default<br><br><br>I am not having any results with this. I did not uncomment node register line in iax.conf for either server<br>and also in rpt,conf I did not uncomment the status report lines<br><br>I just simply want these two servers to talk to each other on the same lan<br><br>The nodes in both of these servers are HUBS.<br>Anyone have any ideas I have over looked?<br><br>Ron Simpson, <br>N6GKJ Amateur Radio<br> ...................<br><br><br>Have you ever noticed that when you are looking for something, <br> it is always found in the last place you look?<br clear="all"><div><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div>Ron Simpson,<br></div>N6GKJ....<br></div>Amateur Radio<br></div></div></div>