<div dir="auto"><div><div class="gmail_extra"> Ok. Got the Rpi3 going. Got an IP address. Went to editing on the .conf files. I'll tweak rpt.conf later, but everywhere I can find, modules, iax, rpt, extensions all the default '1999' info was replaced with 29655 and even got my node/password set in ... one of the .conf files (not in front of the machine right now).</div></div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto">So, after all was edited and saved, I plugged in my URIx, got a solid green led , I ran astres.sh and ... </div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto">The green light... Stays solid. Ugh.</div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto">I feel like I've made significant progress, and thanks for all of you guys help before... But I've not had allstar running in about 3 years and I've forgotten more than I think I knew, back then.</div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto">I promise... Just a 'bit' more hand-holding, and I have Faith, that when it comes to whatever step I inadvertently left out, I'll smack my forehead and say some colorful metaphors, and kick myself in the keester for forgetting something that I'm sure is going to be "so simple a caveman could do it".</div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto">Cavemen are Showoffs... ;-)</div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto"><br></div></div>