[FSG-public] The "test" client

Lu Romero (portable) lromero56 at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Mar 9 13:47:58 EST 2017



Ive not installed it on my roof yet, still testing on the ground.  Im going
for a drive closer to downtown today with "super" line of sight to Central
on my way to the TARC Board meeting and plan to test the client on a small
tripod to make sure it connects before I climb the roof and install it.


If you would like, before I install it, I can come to your house and see if
we can access it from there.  Im positive you can connect from your office
building roof, too.


Let me know if you want to see how this works, after I make sure I have the
config all correct today, I will let you know of my success or lack of it.


Lu w4lt



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