[FSG-public] System Status / Hurricane Ian

Bryan Fields bryan at flscg.org
Tue Sep 27 23:18:49 UTC 2022

As of 1900 EDT all FSG amateur repeaters are linked and functional.

Analog are listed below and the downtown Tampa DMR on 443.1875 is working.

224.280 146.2 PL
443.525 146.2 PL
902.050 546 DCS

St Pete:
444.375 146.2 PL
This still has interference from an uncoordinated DMR repeater in Largo.
Unfortunately there is not much we can do.

Tampa 462.575 141.3 PL.
Note this is experiencing severe interference on the input of 467.575.  Please
ensure you have the alternate input of 467.725 DCS 546 programed.  I suspect
there is a ship docked in the port.

HamWAN is functional and working.

Our webcam is running and streaming to YouTube.  It's pointed southwest from
Tampa but it may move.
Webcam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_GMGIobUkM

Slack is working and I've made the #emcom channel.
> https://join.slack.com/t/flscg/shared_invite/enQtNjEyNzA2ODUxNzkyLTUwYWRiYzBiYWRiZWZjZTczNWFkMDY2NGVlODQ1OTEwYTA3MjgwOThkZDQ4MzM4MjNkNDU3ZGU2OGVlOGVkZjA

Let's hope Ian keeps tracking south for the benefit of Tampa Bay. As of 1700
EDT it is tracking over Port Charlotte, but Tampa Bay is still in the warning

Bryan Fields, W9CR
Florida Simulcast Group, Inc.

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