[App_rpt] TDM400 + Feature Requests

Eric Tichansky eric at lylix.net
Fri Mar 3 20:28:53 UTC 2006


Awesome!  After cleaning up the abondoned modules and other crud from
the distribution install, stability seems to be solid.  I'll know for
sure after letting it set for a few hours and hitting it with an
incoming autopatch.

I was in contact with Jim Dixon a while back (Dec?) which basically
resulted in the duplex=3 mode where incoming RF audio is never
retransmitted.  He had asked a question during our email exchange,

Do you want the audio (Rx->Tx) severed during all times, or just while
in autopatch mode? (Obviously, severing it always does not make for a
good repeater, but Im not sure thats what you want here).

and I attempted to respond, but the email must not have gone through...

I still havent gotten your response yet from the last question, but If
what you want is to not repeat Rx audio EVER, then try this version with

Anyways, to build upon the duplex=3 mode and answer his inquiry... It
would be more practical if this mode where modified to only block
incoming RF audio during an autopatch.  That way the system functions
like a normal repeater most of the time, and a full-duplex compatible
autopatching sytem during an autopatch (useful for full-duplex crossband
autopatching, obviously not wanting to hear yourself).

Last feature request: perhaps a way to integrate CallerID in CW during
an incoming autopatch announcement.

If you could push these upstream to Jim, that would be appreciated.

Eric Tichansky NI3S
eric at lylix.net


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