[App_rpt] installing from EVB 013

Guillaume Devoyon guillaume.devoyon at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 16:05:58 UTC 2008


Is there some recommands installing from EVB 0.013 ?
Is evbphase2 is actual ?

Looking on evbphase2 script i adapted it to 0.013 distro but it say that it
was already configured :


evbphase2(0.29) - EasyVoxBox(EVB) w/app_rpt. Install phase 2 started.
                  Requires EVB 0.010, 0.011 or 0.013.

NOTICE: EVB appears to have been previously installed.
        This previous installation will not be replaced.

-- -----------------------------------------------------------

that mean that i have /etc/EVB/EVB1first filled with the word "complete".

Is it normal...? is 0.013 include evbphase2 ?

Guillaume f8arr

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