[App_rpt] Suggested GMRS (or inexpensive UHF transceiver) for use with USB Sound Card FOB

Chad Palm chad at thepalmz.net
Fri Aug 8 21:56:08 UTC 2008


I am a long-time asterisk user recently "tuned-in" to TIARA (app_rpt).
I'm considering acquiring a GMRS license and using this project to repeat
handheld traffic to immediate family in a seperate geographical location.
I've read up on the USB Sound Card FOB and am curious if anyone has
successfully wired-up inexpensive GMRS handhelds to it and could possibly
recommend a good model to work with?

Here's the simplex repeater scenario I'm considering:
PIII 800 running EasyVoxBox at each location trunked on IAX2, with USB Sound
Card FOB wired to a low power (1/2W) GMRS portable.  When one location
recieves traffic on GMRS channel from portables in range, it's relayed
across to the conterpart asterisk and then transmitted from the FOB/portable
out to portables near its location.

Question - would CTCSS encoding carry across the link, or do I need to
decode and discriminate at each end?

Any thoughts on this approach - your feedback is truly appreciated!


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