[App_rpt] Asterisk segfaults after installation

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Mon Jul 28 01:36:08 UTC 2008

What is with all the white space?

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Marshall Oldham <ke6pcv at cal-net.org> wrote:
> Steve,
>>This is not a HAM community, it is an Asterisk based repeater community.  I
>> have it in use for commercial non HAM operations that you as a HAM are
>> restricted from.
> So, why in your original post did you state this?
> "Is it because HAM people are assumed to be dumb?  Couldn't a shell script
> be written to pull down known versions of zaptel/dahdi, libpri, and Jim's
> branch, and install?"

Because I assume the dumbed down factor is for the old HAM folks.
Your logic is seriously flawed if you think that statement implied
this is a HAM list.  Just look at the to name for the list, "Asterisk
Repeater Controler", not HAM, not EVB, not ACID, or anything but pure

I was just trying to figure out the dumbed down logic of the
documented install methods.

> Seems to me you were referring to the "HAM" people.

I was referring to the typical HAM person who is collecting social
security, retired, and don't like change.  Can't teach most old dogs
new tricks so let's dumb it all down for them.  Seems logical, I
belong to a club, only went once, too may geezers that shunned new
tech (change).

>>As far as money goes, yeah, the defunct Dingotel company probably put in
>> most of the effort and money for the idea to be ripped off.
> Your reaching now! <GRIN> Boy you sure like pulling things out of thin air.

Ummmmmm, no, sorry.  That is exactly where the idea was taken from.  I
heard those words come right out of Jim Dixon's mouth in person, face
to face.

In fact, I do believe Dingotel devices were and may still be supported
in app_rpt drivers and all.

>>The URI is most likely infringing on a >patent or several but that is
>> besides the point.
> If you are so worried about infringement, then why are you using the URI?

Infringement doesn't effect me, it is DMK Engineering that stands to
be sued.  Do you know how these things work legally, logically?

> Sounds like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Yes, when I speak I generally use both sides of my mouth as almost
everyone does.

I have met people that had strokes and other medical problems that
only spoke out of one side of their mouth.  There by the grace of

>>I am precipitating the fix, not creating the problem.  What problem have I
>> created?  Again, why so much pushback?
> If you are "precipitating" a fix, why are you lasing out on the remailer
> about it?

How am I "lasing", you are the troll (try googling it) but not a very
good one.

A "remailer" or as us young whipper snappers like to call them are
"mailing lists" are for asking a valid questions and expecting a
logical answers.  And to further the project.  I have done this, have

> Simply post a fix with the information on the remailer. That's all you need
> to do.

I did post a HOWTO with the information to that new fangled remailer gizmo.

>>I paid for three URIs, that was in U$D, so much for free.
> You paid for hardware NOT software. Do you know the difference???
> When you bought the URI hardware, it did not say anything about FREE
> software support!

Welcome to the world of Open Source.  http://www.dmkeng.com/Products.htm
See this part "Open source: asterisk, app_rpt" I fail to see anything
about EVB or ACID?

> When you buy a Motorola radio, they do not give you the programming software
> for free?

"Open source: asterisk, app_rpt" means free.

Apples to oranges.  When I buy a PC peripheral, I expect working
drivers and software as stated on the sales material.  I expect
telephone support to get it working properly.  I don't expect to have
to format a computer and install a whole new operating system and a
bunch of junk and unknown code with security holes (unless I missed
that part on the sales page.)

> No, you have to buy it.

Maybe you have to buy it, but not me.  Anyways, moot point since you
are comparing apples to oranges and clearly don't understand how
Opensource works or PC hardware.

>>Now I expect to be able to us that hardware on the OS/platform of my
>> choosing.  Am I out off line?
> And you can! You will just need to figure it out for yourself!
> All OS platforms are not supported and there have never been a claim that
> they are!
> Buying hardware does not make you entitled to FREE software support for
> whatever OS or idea you can come up with in your own mind.

It is not like I want to install it on some crazy system, I just want
a clean mainstream Linux OS that I have downloaded directly from a
trusted source.  Do I need webmin, freepbx, databases, web servers,
and alot of bloat (and known and unknown security holes)?

I was simply asking why EVB and ACID are being pushed so hard.  Not
asking for free support, but if I were, the software is open source,
so it is free and I can ask questions on a mailing list, er um
"remailer".  That is why it is here and I see plenty of people asking
for support and not getting a troll jumping on their back.

>>Since when is asking what the logic of be corralled into anything
>> complaining?  If there is a logical answer rather than vague answers such as
>> "a labor of love" and "difficult >to do", then I am open to hearing it,
>> otherwise it is propaganda to someone's agenda.
> Well your original post did not come across as a question of logic, it came
> across as complaining.

I cannot control how your mind works.

If I were to say, "Imagine you mother with two big black guys", you
may take that in a million different ways.  I bet you would conjure
some kind of image and be angry.

You could also conjure a nice image of those two big black guys
carrying her groceries across the street.  Be honest with yourself.
What image or feeling hit you first?  Why are you an angry person is
your question, not mine.

> Maybe you need to learn to express yourself better in email when you post
> messages on a remailer.

Those dang on remailer gizmos, it give them whipper snappers freedom
of speech, freedom to question "why?".  And keep asking "why?" when
nobody gives any good answers month after month.

>>I logically want to be clear which it is.
>>1.  Install your favorite flavor of Linux and configure it your way,
>> optimize your way, secure your way.
>>2.  Install prerequisites for Asterisk
>>3.  Go into /usr/src directory on your linux box # cd /usr/src
>>4.  b) Download the latest SVN stable release of libpri and zaptel and
>> Jim's branch # svn checkout >http://svn.digium.com/svn/libpri/branches/1.4
>> libpri-1.4 # svn checkout http://svn.digium.com/svn/zaptel/branches/1.4
>> zaptel-1.4 # svn >checkout
>> ?http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4/
>>5.  cd into each of the above directories and read any READMEs or similar
>> all caps files.
>>6.  cd into libpri-1.4
>># make clean
>># make && make install
>>7.  cd into zaptel-1.4
>># make clean
>># make && make install
>>8.  cd into asterisks_usbradio
>>#  make clean
>>#  ./configure
>>#  "make menuselect" and make the selections you want.
>>#  make && make install
>>9.  Edit required files
>>10. Start Asterisk on the console with core dump on and a bit of verbose #
>> asterisk –vvvvvvvvvvvgc
>>Someone please test this as I have, and post to the websites pushing EVB or
>> ACID.
> How about you test it and post it to your own website!

It works just fine, tested it already with FC8.  Why hide knowledge?
Isn't that what this new fangled interweb made of pipes for?  Freedom
to communicate, collaborate, conduct commerce......?  Why not post
this knowledge where people that might not want to drink the EVB/ACID

> This will be my last reply regarding this subject. I am not wasting anymore
> of my time with
> your "logical questions" (rants) on this email list.

Believe me, you are the only one wasting time.  My posts will be
archived and read by like minded people and they will be helped by
what I wrote.  How about your posts?  Did it help anyone?  Misery
loves company so I hope you are alone.

> 73
69 DUDE!!!!
> Marshall –ke6pcv
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